Thursday, April 28, 2022

Secondhand Challenge


A few weeks ago I talked about reducing the amount of trash we produced and upping our game when it came to what we added to our trash and recycles bins each week as well as how often we needed to send those bins to the curb for pick up.  I even invited you to join me on my trash bin challenge.  Then the following week I talked about how I have resurrected our compost bin in our backyard and got it going again.  A lot of the items I typically add to our recycle bin actually go into our compost now such as cardboard and shredded paper.


I want to make more mindful purchases in the future to reduce waste and the amount of packaging.  The next challenge I've issued to myself is to see if I can get by this year with buying items secondhand before purchasing anything new.  Clothing and household items is the primary thing I'm talking about, but I'm open to other things as well.  I don't really need much, but I figured even still, I'm sure there are plenty of good "previously enjoyed" options out there for me to choose from.  I like the idea of reusing and recycling so before I make my next purchase I'm going to consider first if I can find what I want at a thrift store, yard sale or on Facebook marketplace.  Anyone else interested in doing this?



  1. Sounds good!
    I've been trying to find a dining room table on craigslist for months now, but there seem to be few choices anymore. Most of the furniture in my house is from family or bought off of craigslist. I think the older stuff was better made so I'm hoping I'll be able to find the right table at the right price.

  2. Absolutely, great plan! I love buying second-hand over new.

  3. YES! I've done this for years and saved a small fortune I'm sure. I can never find jeans though, so I buy my annual 2 pair at Costco and they are still under $20.

    Have you joined the Facebook Buy-Nothing group for your neighborhood? Love my very active SE group. People post needs and gives as well as 'can I borrow'.

    Happy 2022 Conservation :-)

  4. YES! I have lost some weight and maintained the loss for 2 years. My entire closet is full of thrift store clothing. I am a professional and need to look the part on a daily basis, but mostly shop thrift stores for my wardrobe. I love thrifting and feel like it is a win for my pocketbook, the environment, and usually the not-for-profit thrift store I make my purchases from. I do have a few items such as undergarments that I choose to purchase new, but those don't need to be replaced very frequently, so I feel that is an OK purchase to make brand new.

  5. I never have much luck at thrift stores but this is a great challenge

  6. We do this now --- I just found a replacement coffeemaker at the thrift shop (on senior discount day! $5.18). The clerk complimented me on the peasant-type top I had on...and I was able to say, "Got it here." Ha!

  7. I am in! This year I have really upped my recycle, reuse, repurpose, reimagine game. I have also been decluttering my home by giving away usable items, selling or donating. My goal is to have a lot less stuff but keep only things that I love by 2023. This challenge will be a help.
    Thank you for sharing your journey and tutorials with us. They are encouraging. Tracy


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