Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Dog Poop Shovel

Many, many, many, many moons ago we were camping and found a shovel left behind at our campsite.  At the end of the weekend we dragged that sorry looking shovel home and dubbed it the dog poop shovel.  It has sat outside in our backyard ever since, a permanent yard ornament with a purpose.  It has been nearly two decades since I've had a dog, but the dog poop shovel as remained, ever present, ever useful, taking care of our chicken coop.  Despite the fact that it is no longer used as a doggie pooper scooper we have never felt the need to rename it.


This tape was on it when we found it

Many a turd, dead rodent, gopher and squirrel has been graced by this shovel.  It has turned soil, turned compost and even held a door closed and locked in place after a latch broke.  It is the second shovel around here that no one wants to end up with during a home improvement project, but it still does the job.  Last month I was looking at this poor shovel, which is one you use only while wearing gloves due to the possibility of getting slivers from the rough handle, and thought I'd give it some much deserved love.  After all, it has been loyal and trusted for a good long time.


Chicken feed bag makes and excellent drop cloth

I've had this shovel for a good twenty five years and it looked like hell when I got it.  Who knows how long it was in use prior but by the looks of it there has been a lot of history.  Abused and neglected I took it in the garage and spent a good while with the sander smoothing out the rough handle which really should be replaced, but we're on a budget around here.  Since I no longer have any linseed oil I decided a can of purple spray paint way in the back of the shelf would be the next best option.  After two coats of that this puppy never looked better.  Except maybe when it was new.


Jack says it still looks like crap

Yep, still ugly

I have no idea how much longer this shovel will be with us, likely forever, but until its final demise it will shine once again in all of its purple glory.  At least it will be less likely to give us slivers.  I'll still wear gloves.  😉




  1. This is so funny!! I love your sense of humor and how you have managed to resurrect your old poop shovel. :-)

  2. I have my grandparent’s shovels and they will outlast anything I purchase new. I have owned them 22 years and they were at least 30 years old when they came to me.

    1. The older stuff is so much better that what is available now.

  3. I love your sense of humor. Too funny.

  4. I thought I was the only person who did that !
    I'm still using a garden hoe I paid two dollars for at a garage sale twenty years ago!
    I recently sanded it and rubbed linseed oil
    Oil on the handle .
    There's no need to throw useful things a away.
    A little TLC goes a long way.


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