Thursday, February 9, 2017

My Basil Jar

I usually buy my spices and dried herbs from the bulk bin at the supermarket.  The cost is so much less and I save a ton over the price of those little plastic or glass containers they sell in the baking aisle.  For years I've been washing out and refilling my old spice jars.

One of the herbs I use a lot of is basil.  I hope to plant and grow my own some day, but until then I buy bags of it in bulk and keep it in a pint sized canning jar.  Recently I took it up a notch when I came home from the store with my latest supply of dried basil.

I pulled out a clean jar from the cupboard and a lid I had saved from an empty grated parmesan container.  After filling up the jar with the basil I put the cheese lid on it and violá!  Now I have a great spice jar that I can use to either sprinkle basil out of or dip a spoon into.  Perfect!

I wrote on it with a Sharpie marker so everyone knows what is inside.  It washes off fairly easily.

Save the lid!

Cost of this jar $0!  I already had the jar and I reused a lid otherwise destined for the recycle bin.  How about that?


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