Friday, November 13, 2020

Greeting Cards & Letters


I know I have mentioned before that I really enjoy sending out greeting cards and thank you cards to my friends and loved ones.  Every year at Christmas I send a card to my friends and relatives that live far away to let them know I think of them and I love them.  I also send cards at Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day and Easter.


Letter writing is something I feel has taken a backseat to texting, emails and social media, but I still do it.  I think sending a card or a letter in the mail is a good way to let someone know they are special to you and for that person to receive that card in the mail, something that doesn't seem to happen that much anymore, it makes it even more special.


I think it would be lovely if we gave the practice of sending cards and letters some added importance and we did it more often.  I know that the cost of postage has increased dramatically over the years, but in the grand scheme of things are postage stamps really that unaffordable?  If you can spend $5 on a latte without a second thought, then ten stamps to mail ten cards or letters that will brighten someone's day doesn't seem that far of a stretch now, does it?  Especially now that we can pay all of our bills online, postage stamps for cards and letters seem much more affordable to me.


Call me old fashioned or  being nostalgic, but I still love to send a card or a letter and I'm glad I have friends and relatives that enjoy that too.  Is this something you do at all and if not, would you consider starting?  Wouldn't that be a great challenge for the new year?  



  1. I too love sending cards and notes to my family and friends and enclosing a bookmark every now and then. I always get a phone call, email or text thanking me for my thoughtfulness. In these days of the virus when we can't always see each other in person postage is much less than gas. I'm looking forward to sending out the Thanksgiving cards I got from you this next week. Sending cards makes me happy! (Glad you liked the bookmark!)

    1. I love my bookmark! I'm using it right now too. I just started a new book. :)

  2. I write several letters/month to friends and family. I've always loved letter writing. Indeed, I love pretty much anything having to do with stationery and paper, so it's no wonder I am an avid card marker.
    You are absolutely correct: In the grander scheme of things, a stamp is very inexpensive--think of how much weight and how FAR you can send a letter for the postage! I can send 5 pages across country for $0.55. Not only is it a pittance, if the recipients feel the way I do when they receive a letter or card, it's a bargain!

    1. I have always felt a stamp to be a worthy investment. :o)

  3. Yes, I send thinking of you cards often. My daughter loves to make cards so I keep her in business. People love to get a card. My friend sent me one not long ago and all it said was she was thinking about me and it was enough to make my day. ;0)

    1. Amazing how receiving a card or letter in the mail can perk up your day. :)

  4. I just got my package of Christmas cards from you in the mail -- beautiful! Can you do a set of birthday cards for men? Please e-mail me and I'll send payment.

    1. Birthday cards are on my list. Hoping to work on them soon. So happy to hear you like your Christmas cards. Thank you Cindy. :)

  5. I send cards and notes but I am not big on writing letters.

  6. Mailing cards, notes and letters need to make a strong comeback! Handwritten correspondence is lovely and I can feel the sentiment in it. I will never get tired of writing, whether it's in my journal or for "snail mail."

    I always enjoy your card prep posts!



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