Friday, January 22, 2021

Simple Christmas 2021 - Christmas Fund


This year I'm upping my game which is my theme this year.  The last few years I've operated off of a pretty miniscule $100 Christmas budget which I've saved for at $10 a month from January through October.  This year I have decided to double it.

I keep a little Christmas themed envelope in my dayplanner and I am now saving $20 a month in that envelope.  With a bigger budget I'll be able to do more, but also it means that I'll be saving more money faster so I'll be able to start working on gifts that much sooner.  That part really excites me.


As long as I have the funds available in my little envelope I'll be able to buy items I find while out and about or find on sale.  I love to go "treasure hunting" in thrift stores and antique shops and if you don't have the money to get things when you're there you're usually out of luck.


Even at $200 I know this is still a small budget for Christmas, but I will definitely be able to make it work well for us and I'm so very excited with how much more I'll be able to do this year.  Yay!




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