Thursday, April 26, 2018

Spring Cleaning The Yard

Finally!  Spring has sprung, it stopped raining, the sun came out and we have been having some beautiful weather.  I didn't let any grass grow under my feet (pun totally intended) either!  I grabbed my work gloves and headed on outside.

First thing I did was start a fire in our firepot.  I used a small stack of shreddables I'd collected and some broken twigs to start it with and it didn't take long before I had a really nice little fire going.  Perfect for burning up some yard debris.  And for the girls to roast a hot dog for lunch.

Next thing was to grab a shovel and turn some soil.  The girls came out and joined me and we made some pretty quick work about it too.  The soil is nice and dark this year and full of big fat juicy earthworms.  That is always good to see.

My youngest cut up the plum tree I removed from the chicken coop while we pulled weeds and raked up the entire back yard.  We had a ton of weeds already.  With the ground so soft and wet from all the rain they were really easy to pull.

I got out the reel lawn mower, lubed it up and mowed the lawn next.  First cutting of 2018.  I raked the entire lawn once I was through and we added that pile to the compost bin.  I always rake it on the first cutting and the last one and let it go the rest of the season.

Then I got out the reciprocating saw with my pruning blade on it.  That usually will bring my neighbor around to see what I'm up to.  I topped the pear tree and pruned some limbs.  Once they were cut to shorter lengths the girls tied them up for collection while I put away what will make great firewood next year.

Of course no time spent outside would be complete without plenty of play time with the chickens, including the new girls too.  They got lots of fresh air and sunshine.  I emptied what was left of the leaf mulch into the coop and the older hens had a ball with that.  I left it in a pile and they spent the better part of the day scratching around and spreading it about while picking bugs and worms they found in it.  They did a beautiful job getting it all evenly spread about too.

I used that wonderful hose nozzle I bought last year at Home Depot to clean off the deck and walkways.  Wow!  What a difference that made.  Then we put away all the tools and called it a day.  Well sort of.

I had just taken a load off when a friend of mine texted me to let me know they had Light Brahma peeps at the hatchery.  He and his wife had just been there to pick up a couple new additions for their flock.  And yes, I jumped in the car with my oldest (she is the one that has been wanting one of these) and drove out there to get one.  And a Black Australorp too (I've always wanted one of these) because they don't do well alone and need a buddy.  Now I get to start the baby phase all over again, but I don't mind it a bit.  I just love those little buggers.  Plus, we will definitely have enough yummy organic eggs for everyone who wants them.  You know what?  I think I want to be a chicken farmer when I grow up - Ha, ha (not entirely joking)!

What do you have in the box?


One would've thought that would have been enough activity for one day, but noooooo.  We were back in the car and headed to Fred Meyer to see what they had in their garden department.  I picked up a beautiful arrangement of plants to do my big pot I like to keep on the porch.  My oldest picked out these really pretty daisies.  I also picked up a packet of basil seeds for FREE.  One of my Fred Meyer Friday Freebies.

Got my big pot planted

The next day I was ready to get right back to it.  Another sunny and warm spring day to enjoy.  So after some play time with the new peeps I headed back outdoors to plant my flower pots and spring clean the porch.  Used my nozzle again too, to get the winter grime off the sides of the house and out of all the nooks and crannies.  Love that thing.

The little girls met the head mistress

They all had a good run together and did just fine

I did some more work on the garden beds too, but I'll save that to share another time as this post is getting rather lengthy and I'm sure you all have other things to do.  So for now I'll stop rattling on and wish you all a Happy Spring and a beautifully warm and sunny day!


  1. What a productive couple of days! A great balance of work and play. Everything looks 'ship-shape and Bristol fashion' as we say on the UK. Love a girl with power tools. I am going to show my girlfriend how to use an electric drill so she can hang her own pictures etc. And what can I say about the peeps but awwwwwww. I've been quite inspired to get going on house projects myself this morning.

    1. That first big spring clean makes all the difference.
      I do love my power tools! Yes, show her how to use a drill and she'll be unstoppable. Hope your house projects go well today. I wish you all the best!


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