Sunday morning I awoke in a tent in the mountains. It was our last day so we broke camp and
headed for home. By noon we had our car
unloaded, taken hot showers and started the laundry. As per my usual I had packed way more food
than we needed so I had plenty left to put away. I gave all of our camping equipment a good
cleaning and washed the sleeping bags and blankets which I hung up on the
clothesline to dry. They smelled fresh
and wonderful when we brought them inside.
I brought gifts home for Laverne
Monday I went to the grocery store to pick up two packages
of toilet paper, 12 double rolls each, on sale for $3.99 each as well as two
free items I had digital coupons for.
Free coffee and a free can of sparkling water made for some nice
treats. I also picked up two family packs
of pork chops on sale for 99¢ a pound.
I installed the window A/C units upstairs in our bedrooms as
we had a few 100° days expected. Once we
start hitting the high nineties our house heats up pretty good upstairs making
it hard to sleep. The two window units
do a great job keeping our house cool without raising our electric bill too
I took an hour lunch break on Wednesday to go to Dollar Tree
and see if they had some more of those fabric collapsible storage bins, which
they did. For the first time in a long
time the store was fully stocked including the grocery aisle so I was able to
pick up quite a few items, both food and non food, for my prepper pantry.
A $10 prep
And another $10 prep
I didn't do a $10 prep the week before so I did two $10
preps last week. I know Pop Tarts aren't
the most nutritious item I could have chosen, however they store nicely and every
once in a while they do make for a nice treat.
I personally like the blueberry ones.
Definitely not Keto though.
My Cash & Carry haul, mostly for the prepper pantry
After work on Thursday I made a quick trip into Cash &
Carry for meat they had on sale and cream.
I picked up #10 cans of crushed tomatoes as well as four bags of rice
noodles for my youngest.
My Winco haul
Saturday was my busiest day of the week. I began it with a hike and then stopped at
Winco on my way home to pick up the last of the items on this month's shopping
list. Most of those items were prepping
items as well as some fresh produce. Before
I left I had put on a huge batch of pasta sauce to be canned. It took both my largest and medium sized slow
cookers to get the job done. When I got
home and had put away the groceries I got nine pint jars of sauce into my
pressure canner and processed. Then my
youngest and I headed out after she got home from work to do some
back-to-school shopping. I took coupons
and a $50 gift card with me to shave off as much of the cost as I could and we
ended up doing really well. I'll tell
you more about it tomorrow.
Keto Pizza Bake with a wonderful veggie loaded Caesar salad
My youngest daughter and I relaxed Saturday evening with
dinner and a movie. We pulled out a DVD
we owned and enjoyed a nice evening together.
A couple more $10 preps for you!
I worked some more overtime last week. That money will be used next month for more
prepping and stocking up for winter. I
already used July's overtime money for the same thing.
I washed out several ziploc bags to reuse. I used the quart sized bags to repackage some
pork chops that ended up in the freezer.
Prepper Pantry = dehydrated
apples & vacuum sealed Pop Tarts. Pork
chops, coffee, coffee filters, vanilla extract, minced garlic, laundry
detergent & fabric softener, all purpose cleaner, toilet paper, windshield
washer fluid. Canned 9 pints of pasta
I picked up these three packages of marked down beef
Some of the 15 Minute Chores I accomplished to keep my home in order:
Laundry Room & Half Bathroom -
vacuumed floors. Daily swish &
Dining Room - vacuumed.
Kitchen - vacuumed & spot mopped floor, scrubbed &
bleached the sink.
Bedrooms & Main Bathroom -
vacuumed & dusted. Daily swish &
Other - three loads of laundry,
vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & entry. Swept front porch, sidewalk, driveway & garage.
How was your thrifty week?