Monday, February 8, 2021

Last Week's Thrifty Moves


Sunday is my rest and reset day, however I think there was more resetting than resting.  Nonetheless, I began my week with a clean house and all of the laundry done plus leftovers in the fridge so I was pretty happy about that.  It was a great way to get my week started.


All of this junk for $1.40!

I picked up some loss leader items on sale at Albertson's for 99¢ each, cereal and granola bars.  I stacked paper coupons on top of digital coupons and ended up with three boxes of cereal, two boxes of granola bars and a package of cookies for $1.40!  Now is this stuff the healthiest?  Absolutely not, but as an occasional treat for my girls it will be fine.  They aren't super big on eating mountains of sugar laden food so I expect this crap will last a good long time.


Monday morning I actually woke up sad that January was over because it was such a great month for us.  But February is shaping up quite nicely too so I'm excited for what is in store for this month.  The remainder of the week went by very quickly and before I knew it, it was already the weekend.


Chocolate and kitty cat stamps from my friend ☺

Friday I got a big surprise in the mail from one of my readers which really made my day!  What a super thoughtful and wonderful thing she did for me!  How can I be so lucky?!


All ready to ship once they sell

Saturday I worked out in the garage for a bit doing some more purging and reorganizing.  Then I got busy photographing some more items I wanted to sell.  I sat down and got them all listed as well as packaged up and ready to ship once they do sell.  I think that was time well spent.


THINGS WE ATE LAST WEEK:  Salmon & salad; stuffed bell peppers, leftover chicken soup, bean soup, spaghetti & meat sauce.



Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - vacuumed floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Kitchen & Dining Room - cleaned under fridge & stove, cleaned base cabinets & under kitchen sink, washed windows, vacuumed & mopped floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - vacuumed & dusted.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Other - three loads of laundry.  Vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & both entryways, polished wood furniture, cleaned living room window & mirror.


THINGS I DID TO SAVE A SMALL BUNDLE OF $$:  I washed out some Ziploc bags to reuse.  Other than my $1.40 shopping spree on Sunday I didn't do any other shopping.  I printed some more coupons from to have for future shopping trips.


THINGS I DID TO EARN EXTRA $$:  I listed five more things on eBay to sell.


How was your thrifty week?



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