Thursday, August 4, 2022

Our Quality Of Life Is What We Make Of It


Regardless of what is going on in the world around us our quality of life should always be a priority.  For me that is a daily endeavor.  I am always thinking of and planning ways to improve myself, my home and my life.  To be steadily working on making things better is in a way its own reward.  I am blessed with the desire and ability to make a good life for myself.  I think we all are.


Embracing simplicity, practicing gratitude on a daily basis, counting my blessings and thanking God every day has been life changing.  It is very difficult to be sad or angry when you are grateful.  It is hard to feel deprived when you are looking around at all that you have with a full heart and know contentment.  There is no resentment to be felt when you are actively working on a task that will improve your current situation.


I find a lot of joy in lesser things.  A blue sky, the sound of running water, the smell of freshly cut grass, the beauty of a full moon on a dark night.  I listen to music, take walks, water the flowers, write in my journal, cuddle with a kitty and visit with my chickens.  I am alone, but not lonely.


It is important to really care for myself, protect my health, nourish my body and my soul, rest when I'm tired and work when I'm not.  I find a lot of joy in preparing a simple, healthy meal that I eat slowly, tasting each bite.


Over the years I've consistently removed items from my home that I no longer need, want or use.  Having less stuff has made room for more time to spend on projects I enjoy.  Less physical clutter has made room in my head for more peaceful thoughts.  Clearing my calendar and limiting commitments has had a dramatic effect on my stress level.  Slowing down allows me to breathe.


Defining what is important to us and then working to make that happen.  Taking things one step at a time and doing our best each day.  Our quality of life is what we make of it.





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