Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My Uber Thrifty Month In Review - April

I began the month by paying all of our monthly expenses ahead of their due dates.  I made a sizeable payment toward my debt elimination goal too.  I cannot believe how close I am to having this all paid off and how far ahead of schedule I am too!  Yesss!!

So far his has been the year of buying shoes.  Last month I purchased two more pair for my youngest.  Her daily tennis shoes needed to be replaced and she also needed track shoes.  Fortunately both pair were on sale and I got a $20 rebate on my purchase at check out.  I used the rebate to purchase a pair of denim shorts and a pair of flip flops for her for summer.

The oldest found two pair of jeans and a pair of denim shorts at a thrift store along with two tank tops.  She is completely outfitted for summer now for less than $20.  Unfortunately we weren't so lucky with the youngest so the rebate really made up for the lack of thrift store finds.  We were able to pick up a pair of shorts and a pair of flip flops for her with only a few dollars out of pocket.  So far this year we are coming in right at $160 on clothing for all of us thanks to gift cards, coupons, sales and thrift stores.  And we have managed to replace quite a bit.

I didn't spend much on groceries last month as we were a bit overstocked with food.  I also used up quite a bit of the frozen leftovers I'd put away in the kitchen freezer.  Meal prep was kept quite simple and we had very little food waste.

Amazingly, as most of you already are aware, I came across my new home.  An older motorhome was purchased mid month and within less than a week the Idaho Transportation Department mailed me the title.  She is all mine!  I had budgeted $15,000 for a down payment on my retirement home.  I decided to change those plans and used half that amount to purchase the motorhome.  I will most likely be moving into her sometime in the future.  In the meantime, however, we will use her and enjoy her as our "vacation home".

I did spend some additional money to upgrade a few things and make the motorhome more usable for me.  I used a couple gift cards to help offset some of those expenses too.  Additionally I took advantage of my Amazon Prime membership quite a bit as well to get quite a few supplies at a great price with free two day shipping.

I did buy some fuel last month.  Not only did I need to put gas in the car - twice!, but I put gas in the motorhome and topped off the truck.  I used my rewards points on my Fred Meyer card to help lower the cost of those purchases.

So that pretty much sums up my month in a nutshell.  Perhaps not uber thrifty, but fairly thrifty nonetheless.  I guess it all boils down to perspective, but he motorhome investment, at least for me, is pretty uber thrfty.  I couldn't be happier about that.  ðŸ˜†


  1. I can't wait to see what you do to the your new toy. Please share pictures as you get her gussied up.

    1. You'll get your first glimpses of her next week. Hang tight! :)

  2. Did I read you right? You will be full time living in Laverne in the future? I watch many a youtube video on women living in vans & campers full time. Interesting!

    1. Yes you did! Watch for an upcoming post this week with more details. ;)

  3. I think you made a very wise choice to buy Laverne! Ever since seeing your post my hubby and I have been discussing doing the same thing except we would keep the home we have now and use the motorhome to take all our vacations to to travel and see family. There are so many places that we want to go but we can't afford the travel costs when you add in gas, hotel rooms and eating out.

    1. We've always had an RV and the last few years that we haven't we have not traveled much because of the expense. Before we camped a ton and visited a lot of neat places. I'm really happy to have an RV again.

  4. I'm so excited for you!! Glad you had a good month.... especially with Laverne. Will your children live in the motor home too?

    1. They will not! Ha, ha. This will be much further into the future. Laverne is all mine. The girls will get to enjoy her with me, but they have been really great to encourage me that this motorhome is for me and they are backing me all the way. :)


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