Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Another Small Home Improvement - Our Fireplace Hearth

I built and put in this fireplace hearth well over ten years ago, I really can't remember how long exactly, maybe fifteen.  It was primarily built out of scraps I scrounged up, because back in the day I was poor.  In fact, the tiles were scrounged up from a scrap pile where my mom used to work and the wood I used came from the garbage pile on a couple job sites where my dad was doing some work.  The grout and adhesive were leftover from our floors.  The only thing I bought was a couple pieces of trim and a 2" X 3" to finish it off.  I'm pretty sure the initial paint job was leftover wall paint.  Not a bad looking hearth for being pretty much made out of garbage.

I'm sure my kitty is wondering what on earth is she doing now?

I've touched up the paint once or twice, but it was a long time ago.  It was showing some signs of wear and tear and was ready for a facelift.  Lots of nicks and chips, plus down at the bottom the front trim was worn to the wood from years and years of a little girl standing on it.  She promises she is done doing that now. Ha, ha, ha.
I had just enough paint leftover from the living room to get the job done

To begin this project I took the electric fireplace unit out of it and even though I'd recently spring cleaned it I went ahead and cleaned it again.  Amazing what accumulates in such a short time.  Then I moved it into the dining room and set it on a couple of wood scraps to get it up off the ground.  Once it was all cleaned up I taped off the tiles and it was ready for a fresh coat of paint.

Little bit worn down from years of a little girl standing on it ðŸ˜ƒ

Not a big deal at all and it didn't take very long to give this piece a fresh coat.  In fact, I gave it two using the Pure White by Behr that was leftover from painting the ceiling and trim in our dining room and living room.  I had about a cup of paint left and it was just enough too to get the job done.

All freshened up and ready to go I let it sit for twenty four hours and then reinstalled it back into its place in our living room.  A couple more days and I was able to put my great grandmother's kerosene lamps along with my grandma's candy dish back on the mantle.  Roger the rooster too!

Having our hearth and it's little woodstove back in place really finished off our living room perfectly.  I have fond memories of collecting all of the pieces and building this project many, many years ago.  Now with it all spruced up once again I find I am still very happy with it

I think it looks pretty darn good

This particular project ended up being extemely low cost as all I needed was an 89¢ sponge brush to get the job done.  I liked that!

Now, onto the next project!


  1. You are SO handy!!! I feel like you need to teach a class on how to redo your home fabulously for next to nothing. I'm so very impressed not just by how you repaired the hearth, but by how you built it in the first place!!! It's absolutely gorgeous. Job well done!

    1. Thank you Stephanie. I had a lot of fun building this one and even collecting all of the pieces for it too. Amazing sometimes what you can do with a bunch of scraps.

  2. I'm so impressed with all your home improvement projects. Great jobs!

    - Molly

    1. Thank you Molly! It's been so neat watching it all come together.

  3. Very nice and refreshed! How about 3 pieces of crown molding along that top edge to gussy it up a bit?

    It's been a lot of fun--and very informative--watching you work on all these projects. I appreciate your insights as to how and why you do certain things, because I learn something new with every project you do!

    1. Thank you Sue. I'm so glad you are enjoying these posts. I'm actually on the hunt for some carved wood pieces. If I find the right ones I'll probably add them.

    2. I should have known you had that on your list before anyone else figured it out! It's a handy life skill to be able to always think/plan ahead, but live fully in the present. Yet another thing I'm trying to learn from you!

    3. You are so kind. Thank you. The ones I've found so far are either too big or too fancy. But I keep looking. :)

  4. it looks lovely! I'm enjoying watching your projects about the house.

  5. You are the original energizer bunny! It looks wonderful :)


    1. Thank you, but I really do run out of juice sometimes. ;)


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