Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Prepper Pantry - Canned Goods

The average shelf life for canned goods is typically about two years, some longer, some shorter.  While the majority of what I am adding to my prepper pantry has a much longer shelf life I do feel having a variety of canned goods on hand is important to supplement the other items I have in my inventory.

Canned foods don't require refrigeration so that is a big reason why I want to add them to my pantry.  Canned meats, tomatoes, vegetables and fruits, as well as some soups will help me make several different recipes and not only add variety to our menu but will help me to round out our diet too.


Unlike a lot of the vacuumed sealed and dehydrated items we plan to use our canned goods periodically and replace them as we do so we don't incur spoilage.  Rotating and using canned goods works well to maintain a fresh inventory.


Once canned goods reach their stamped dates located on either the top or bottom of the cans you can typically use them up to one year after, however the integrity of the can itself is at risk.  If you decide to use canned goods past their stamped date be aware of any bulging, leaking or rust.  Those are telltale signs that the canned item has been compromised and should be discarded.  Check expired items for any odd odors or discoloration once opened.  As with anything, if in doubt toss it out.


Canned goods will not be a huge part of my prepper pantry, but as I said I do intend to keep a small inventory of them on hand.  When purchasing items I will look for the longest extended shelf dates as possible and keep my eye on them so I am sure to rotate them out with newer stock.




  1. Smart!!! Purchased canned foods are so easy, too. :))

  2. I put the date neatly on front and top of the can with a marker so I can make sure I can see dates which are sooo tiny. You are smart to make good use of canned goods.

  3. I am enjoying your prepper pantry blog post! I, too, have started a prepper pantry. I have been doing some reorganization in my pantry to make more room. I bought a food saver years ago and have been putting it to use. I don’t use the food saver bags, I feel they are to expensive, I order mine off eBay or amazon for a much cheaper price. I have been a long time follower of your blog, but this is my first time to comment. I really enjoy reading your blog and practice a lot of the same money saving tips you do. I have learned a lot from you! Have a great day!

    1. I am so happy you decided to comment Sharon. I get my bags off eBay too. Huge savings. Although I never thought I'd find myself prepping I will admit I'm having a lot fun doing it. :o)

  4. I love to keep canned tomatoes on hand. I can use them in so many recipes or make my own spagetti sauce. We don't eat a lot of canned fruit but for variety I keep some on hand. Apple sauce makes yummy fruit leather. Take care.

    1. Canned tomatoes is the one canned good we probably use the most. We also like pineapple in chunks or rings or crushed. I use that a lot in different recipes too. Or we just eat it.


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