Friday, April 9, 2021

Good afternoon everyone!


Just got home after a 4 day hospital stay in the cardiac care unit. Had a great team of doctors and nurses looking after me. I have loads of comments on the blog which I will get to shortly. I read them all (may have even answered some 😁) while in hospital and it really helped me so much. Love you all! So very happy to be home (just took the best shower of my life, lol) and I will be back to blogging shortly. You all take care of yourselves! You're the best!!


  1. Distraught to read about your week, Lambie (sorry, that's my term of affection for people I love). Please can you give me your permission to start a GoFundMe to pay for a holiday for you and your girls?

    1. Heloise you are so sweet. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but we are good. I promise! :0) XX

  2. So sorry to hear about your health challenges. Praying for a full recovery.

  3. Is this new from previous post? Please take care!!

  4. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this😢 glad you are home and hopefully on the road to recovery, take care, I will be thinking of you.💖

  5. Sending every possible bit of healing good thoughts & a get well to you. Hugs coming to you from California!

  6. Please accept my prayers for recovery. Take care of yourself, please.

  7. Oh no! I am so sorry you are going through this. I’m also kind of shocked considering the extent to which you try to live a healthy lifestyle. Sending prayers for a solution and a return to excellent health. Take care.

  8. Thank you for letting us know. Praying for you!

  9. I am so sorry to hear about another hospitalization! I hope your cardiologist has achieved full treatment/correction to afford you to go forward in full cardiac health to pursue your dreams.

    Take good care (I know you will). :-)

  10. I am glad to hear you are home and doing well. My brother got out of the hospital on Thursday after a week stay, they think he had a stroke. He seems to okay - we are watching him. It been a year of health concerns.You, both of my brothers and my father. Thank God all of you are doing okay.

  11. Reading this 2 days later. Sending gentle healing hugs. Take care of you. We'll be here when you feel up to writing again.

  12. I am thinking about you and sending prayers your way for healing. Please take care, my thoughts are with your daughters also.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this news! But I pray you're on the mend and doing better now!


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