Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Revisiting An Old Post - Homemade Yogurt


I think we can all agree the price of groceries is steadily climbing.  With the steady climb in fuel prices this comes to know great surprise to me.  The cost of shipping goods is going up and that expense gets passed along to us, the consumer.  In order to keep in line with our budget we will need to be a lot more resourceful.


One of those resources is to make a lot of our food from scratch and we do that already.  One of those from scratch items is to purchase whole milk and make our own yogurt.  If you have ever read the ingredients list on a container of yogurt you know it has a TON of sugar in it and if you get the light yogurt it usually contains aspartame.  I have purchased Oikos Triple 0 greek yogurt made with better sweeteners, but it is really expensive, even on sale.  So, moving forward, homemade it is!  Click here for a really easy and delicious recipe if you are interested in making your own yogurt.  I'm always impressed that it turns out so well and stays amazing.  And!  I know everything that's in it.



  1. Love having the ability to make homemade yogurt! When my four children and I scarf down a whole quart in one sitting, I wonder to myself how we’d afford that if I had to buy yogurt. I’m sure it wouldn’t happen nearly as often. Not only is it cheaper, but we like the flavor so much better, too. Often that is the case with made from scratch. So thankful for scratch skills, now more than ever.

  2. From Freecycle I received a nice yogurt maker with the glass cups and lids. I loved making yogurt in that.

    1. I had one of those eons ago. They are really handy. I have a yogurt setting on my electric canner. I might need to give that a try and see how it works.


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