Monday, August 23, 2021

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday was another hot day here in Boise but that did not stop me from getting up early before the hottest part of the day to work on a project I have been super excited to get to work on.  Once I get it done I will definitely do a post about it.  It may not be everybody's cup of tea but it sure is mine.  I'm so happy with how it is going so far.  I just wish I had more time to do it and get it done.  And if it was a tiny bit cooler that would be helpful as well.


Monday was the first day of school.  My youngest is now in her final year of high school.  She is a senior!  Even she was taken aback by how fast the time has gone as she posed at our front door for the annual "first day of school" picture.  I remember her kindergarten photo and she only reached the doorknob.  Just a tiny little thing she was.  Now she reaches my chin and I don't think she is quite done growing yet.  Maybe.  Anyway, it was bittersweet for both of us to take the last first day of school photo at our front door.  There will be lots of lasts this year.  And a whole bunch of firsts coming up too.  Oh my goodness!


In preparation of her senior year of college my oldest shopped the pantry and chest freezer and took home four bags of groceries.  I had already loaded her up with school supplies and a couple pair of jeans in July.  I have topped up her gas tank a few times for her in the past couple of years, but now that she has the Prius I probably won't need to do that very often.  I am really glad I am able to help her with some of these extra expenses.  We also got her scholarship application submitted to my work so she'll be getting that fairly soon.


Saturday was a fabulous day!  I spent the morning with my youngest and she drove us to Fred Meyer because they were having a really good ground beef sale on their three pound chubs of 80% lean and I had a digital coupon which saved me $1.00 OFF on each one!  That made them only $6.47 each!  Yay!!  We did have some ground beef in our freezer and I was prepared for that to be enough.  However with this sale I'm able to add to that as well as provide some for my oldest as well.  Also while we were there we picked up five jars of Kroger pasta sauce on digital offer for 99¢ each.  I kept three and will give my oldest two for her pantry.


The remainder of my day was spent in the craft room being all creative and relaxed.  It was the perfect way to close out a busy week and I was absolutely thrilled to have an afternoon and evening to spend doing just what I wanted to do.


THINGS WE ATE LAST WEEK:  Leftovers from the week before started off our week, creamy beef enchilada (sauce from the freezer) pasta, hamburgers & fries, grilled tuna sandwiches, grilled hot dogs, grilled cheese (I sense a theme here), breakfast burritos.


Proud "new car" owner


Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - Vacuumed floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Kitchen & Dining Room -  Vacuumed & spot mopped floors, cleaned microwave.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - Vacuumed & dusted.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Other - One large load of laundry.  Vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & both entryways.


THINGS I DID TO SAVE A SMALL BUNDLE OF $$:  I was able to call our insurance company and remove my oldest from my auto policy.  They will be issuing me a refund and I get a small reprieve on the next annual bill that comes due in November until my youngest gets her license and I have to add her on.  I will enjoy it while I can.


THINGS I DID TO EARN EXTRA $$:  I worked a little bit of overtime.  I received a tax rebate in the mail from the great state of Idaho.  Thank you very much!


How was your thrifty week?



  1. We're really focused on using up what we have in the garden, and staying on top of food so it doesn't go to waste. Other than that, I used up a travel credit that was expiring, & booked our trip to see my parents at the holidays. That was a huge money saver, so I'm thrilled I'll be able to put that to use, save money & use the certificate before it expires.

  2. I hope both your girls have a great school year! So cute!!

  3. Can’t wait to hear about your project😀


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