Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Meal Plan 2021 - #7


While it was fun just winging it last month, I do find I prefer to have a plan outlined along with a little flexibility so I can change my mind if I want to.  We never really know for sure what we’ll be in the mood for in a week or two and if I come across a really good deal at the store I like to take advantage of that.  With all of that in mind I came up with a dozen good ideas for us this month.  If you’re having a little bit of déjà vu you’re not wrong, but these are things we like and want to eat.  Here is what is on the plan for April:


Chili con carne

Chicken Alfredo

Hamburgers & French Fries

Hotdogs & Chips

Spaghetti & Meat Sauce

Beef or Chicken Fajitas

Black Bean Soup

Pesto Shrimp

Spanish Rice

Tuna Sandwich

Swedish Meatballs or Stroganoff

Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Tomato Soup (I love this!)


This is what I’ve come up with based mostly on items I already have on hand in our pantry and our freezer.  Along with this I listed a few things for breakfasts or brunches – eggs, waffles/pancakes, oatmeal/cereal, snacks – V8 Juice, fruit, veggies, nuts, cheese sticks and even a couple of dessert ideas – SF Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies and some fudgy Brownies. I think I’ve got some really good options here. 


What is on the menu at your house?  Tell me what some of your favorites are.



  1. We have a variety of different tastes & requirements at our house. My husband eats a mostly Keto diet due to a food allergy, and my youngest son is pretty picky & doesn't like many things mixed together & avoids most meat. It's not a great combo between the two of them! :-)

    We eat a lot of tacos (everyone can really adjust to their own taste), 3/4 of us love egg roll in a bowl, we like burgers & hot dogs, grilled chicken, beef kebabs & chicken curry.

    1. My youngest is pretty picky as well. She does like my keto meals most of the time so that helps a lot.

  2. I have an abundance of oversized zucchini if you're interested. Peel/seed and they are terrific in any dish. (SE Boise near Bergeson/Holcomb)

    1. You are so sweet to offer. I'm afraid they would go to waste at this house, my youngest won't eat them and I've eaten too many. LOL

  3. I just had grilled cheese & tomato soup for lunch, lol. We do quite a bit of baked chicken, pulled pork, and fish - we love any type but it is getting so expensive it is almost off of my grocery list!!

    1. The prices have been crazy!! I'm trying to stock up on anything on sale. Right now our Albertsons has pork chops for 95 cents a pound.

  4. Chicken cooked any way is fine with me. I am allergic to mammal products, but I do eat it. I have some cooked chicken in the freezer ready to go into a dish or on top of a salad.


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