Wednesday, January 8, 2014

No DIETing in 2014!

Our scale did not make the cut when we got ready to move.
I tossed it out and we no longer own a scale.
In our house DIET is a dirty four letter word.  I don't go on diets and I've banished all "fat talk" too thanks to that new Special K ad.  Have you seen it?

These are things we would never say to another human being and yet, somehow we feel compelled to say them to ourselves.  Why is that?  Why is it so easy to criticize ourselves like that?

I don't know about you but I found the more pressure I put on myself to lose weight the more difficult it became and sometimes I'd actually gain more.  Then when I eased off and stopped worrying about it so much I would actually lose weight.

I believe in moderation in ALL THINGS.  Not just food.  Any time you over indulge or overdo in anything it isn't good.  Too much is simply too much.  I also don’t think we need to restrict ourselves to the point of punishment either.  That is just another way of overdoing it.

If I want a cookie, I eat a cookie.  I just tell myself I don't need to finish off the whole box.  It also helps for me to make more nutritious food choices if there is already nutritious food in the house to choose.  Right now I have several types of cookies in the pantry, but I find that the fruit, veggies and whole wheat crackers seem more satisfying.  Most of the time.  J

Can't seem to stay out of the kitchen?  Have the munchies?  It happens, I have those days too.  Take a walk or start a new craft project.  Clean the toilet.  It's hard to eat a cookie when your hands are in the bleachy toilet water.  I find a lot of the time I'm just eating out of boredom.

I drink a lot of water.  It was something I had to work on because I didn't use to be a big water drinker.  Now I am.  I rarely drink soda anymore and juice in moderation, mostly cranberry when I do.  I like to dress up my water with a lemon slice.  Not only is water healthier it is much cheaper too.  Sodas are expensive.

No more diets, no more fat talk.  Just be happy with who you are because you truly are wonderful!  You know you are.

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