Monday, January 30, 2017

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday morning I chopped up some veggies and put on a pot of lentil soup to cook all day in my slow cooker.  I used a container of frozen ham broth as the base.  When it was done we had supper and I made up a few containers to take in my lunch.  The rest went into two larger containers for the freezer.

I used up a very ripe banana and made a nice loaf of banana walnut bread.

After cooking the bacon for Sunday brunch I added the rendered fat in the pan to a jar I keep in the refrigerator.

The remainder of the week we kept to our meal plan.  We ate up our leftovers and made sure nothing went to waste.  We fed our kitchen scraps to the chickens.

I worked a couple hours of overtime.

I found a gray pajama top on sale online at JC Penney for $11.99 to go with a pair of pajama pants I got for Christmas.  I used a coupon code to save an additional $25% OFF and I'm having it shipped to the store to pick up which saved me shipping fees.

You can see the "piles" in the background on the corner of my desk.  ðŸ˜Š

Friday evening I prepared and filed my 2016 federal and state tax returns.  Not only am I getting a refund but I was able to clear off a sizeable stack of papers I'd assembled on my desk, which funny enough, seemed to attract some attention from a couple of astute readers who noticed "piles" in the background of a picture I posted last week.  I'll have you know those are not just "piles" but "efficiently prepared mounds of work in progress".  Ha, ha, ha.

Fun pajama fabrics!

Saturday morning I ran a few errands on the way home from dropping my oldest off at BSU for the day.  After swinging by and dropping off the library books I had finished at the public library I headed up to JoAnn Fabrics.  They had flannel on sale for $2.79 a yard and I had a coupon for an additional 20% OFF.  I am super excited about the plans I have for this fabric!

I love free stuff!

Next I went to the Fred Meyer to pick up the Friday freebies I had downloaded to my rewards card.  I also grabbed a loaf of bread while I was at it for lunches next week.  Since I'm currently not in bread baking mode yet I'm buying it.  Our freezer is full so we don't have room to store a Franz bakery run right now.  In the meantime I'll be buying a loaf at a time until I get back in full swing and start baking again.

I finished the granny square afghan and began working on another project to go with it.  I'll be sharing those finished items with you very soon in a future post.

How was your thrifty week?


  1. Exactly!!! "Efficiently prepared mounds of work in progress"! That's exactly it! I just happen to have them all over my dining room table. Plus the desk. And occasionally my bedside table too. :)

    Sounds like a great week, as usual!

  2. You know having piles means something completely different to me. I also hit Joanns for that sale.

  3. I like your definition for the piles of paper! I am going to borrow that term to refer to my mounds of paper, too, that are piled up all over! :D

    1. Paper clutter! The bane of my existence at times. One of those necessary evils, I suppose.

  4. It's weird that I also made soup with HM chicken broth & I put lentils in mine too. I also put 2 bananas in the freezer for future bread. :) I put down vinegar & baking soda (saved from frig's when I put new ones in) down my drains. I finished up a cut off toothpaste tube. Using coconut oil on my face @ night for dryness. Just made hummus for my lunch meals. Loved your afghan, pretty colors.

    1. You did great! I've lately been thinking about using coconut oil as moisturizer. Might have to give it a try.

    2. I loooooove coconut oil as a moisturizer for my hands. My nails tend to be dry, and I've found that moisturizing them with coconut oil in the evenings has made a bit difference. I buy it in bulk from my local bulk food store, so it's quite affordable. Plus, it's about as pure as a hand cream can be! I'd highly recommend it.

    3. I'm going to try it. My hands and nails are super dry, especially this time of year. Thanks a lot!


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