Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Our Month Of Soup & What's Next

Our month of soup was surprisingly successful.  The girls were dubious when I first told them about it, but I was able to keep enough variety to keep them happy.  They even told me that it was a really good challenge and they enjoyed it too.  How about that?

For me it was a bigger challenge as some of the soups weren't keto friendly but I still managed to come up with something else to fix.  Other soups had pasta and I just served that part separate of the soup itself.  We prefer that anyway as pasta tends to get soggy in the broth making leftover not as appetizing.

Speaking of leftovers we had a bunch.  I had plenty of soup each time for at least two suppers and lunches the next day.  If you want a meal you can get a lot of mileage out of soup is definitely one way to go.

We rounded out our meals with breads or a sandwich and a fresh green salad.  I personally skipped the bread or sandwich and ate large salads on the side with my soup.  When I packed the soup for the girls lunches I included a half sandwich too and they really liked that.

So what is next?

Well, we still need to work on our freezers.  They are still really full and apparently so much so that I'm not entirely sure of everything that I have.  So for the month of February I came up with a list of 14 meals based off of items I have in my freezer.  Along with those meals I will make side dishes and some desserts with items I have in the pantry and freezer as well.

Our refrigerator is much clearer since I purged and cleaned it out, plus I now know what all I have inside it.  I don't feel I made as much progress on the freezer side however, so I'll be focusing my attention there.  The chest freezer in the garage is much better but we still have a ways to go.  My pantry is beautiful and fully manageable, but I definitely want to work on thinning things down a little more in there too.

Have you challenged yourself lately with any grocery shopping or meal planning?  If so, what are you doing and how's it going?


  1. I attempted a OAM grocery shopping trip Saturday so we will see if I calculated out enough. We eat so basic that it wasn't hard and now I can make a Master Shopping list. I will need more creamer and yogurt for DH since space is a little limited in the fridge. Also stayed under budget...

    1. Good for you Patti! I tried to do OAM shops for awhile, but I really enjoy grocery shopping so I'm a once a weeker. I know, I'm weird. ;~)

  2. Hi! I'm new to your blog, and I'm happy to see a fellow Boise-based blogger! I, too, am trying to use up the contents of my pantry and freezers. My approach isn't as organized or full-steam-ahead as yours (yet), but baby steps, right? One thing I love to do is save chicken bones in a gallon-size freezer bag. When we have a deli chicken, I save the parts that we don't consume and freeze them. When I have enough, I throw them frozen into a huge stock pot, add celery, carrots, onions, peppercorns, and any old frozen veggies that I've neglected, and simmer it for hours to make my own stock. Winter is great for this because if it's cold enough outside, I can put the pot, covered, out on the back patio to cool until dividing the stock into quart freezer bags. Soups made with this homemade stock are next-level good.

    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Meg! Sounds delicious! Nothing better than homemade stock. So much good nutrition too.

  3. Isn't it wonderful when you can do that? Such a nice gesture too. I'm hoping to make a big dent in the next few months in our freezer.


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