Monday, April 1, 2019

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday was a well earned lazy day for us.  We even stayed in our pajamas and other than a few chores around the house we pretty much didn't do much of anything.  It was really nice.

Monday a friend of ours came over and switched out an old outlet in our living room for me.  It was one of those 3 way plug ins with loads of wires going into it and it made me nervous to switch that one out so I never did.  Well after 40 years it decided to quit and left us with no power in the living room and no kitchen lights.  Thankfully my friend, who happens to be an electrician, was able to come over and help me out.  And to make it even better, I just happened to have a spare outlet in my garage.  Whoo hooo!

Tuesday morning I put together my girl's Easter bags using stuff I already had on hand as well and filled them with things I either got on sale and used coupons with or got for free.  It felt good to get that task checked off of my list.  Yay.

My youngest daughter reserved the 4th season of Poldark at our library so we picked it up and binge watched it.  We love that series.  I'm a sucker for anything Masterpiece Theater anyway.  So nice that we can do that and it doesn't cost us anything either.

Wednesday I went to Dollar Tree to pick up some snack and drink items to put together a goodie bag for my oldest to take with her on her band trip to Seattle.  I packed her two sandwiches and gave her a package of pepperoni slices out of the freezer.  The kids were responsible for all of their meals on the trip so I wanted to help her out so she wouldn't have to spend too much on food.  She had cheese spread (I even remembered a couple plastic knives), crackers, pepperoni slices, a small box of cookies, a can of Pringles, a bottle of apple juice, an apple and some donuts.  I packed everything in a craft bag with handles so it would be easy to carry.

Thursday morning I was up bright and early to take her to the high school and drop her off at the waiting charter buses.  All of our fundraising efforts throughout the year paid off.  No out of pocket money was required from the parents as we were able to raise every bit of it.  It was a lot of work, but I'm really glad we were all able to pull it off.  They had a lot of fun things to do on this trip and I'm really glad everyone was able to go.

Last week we saw a lot of rain and even some hail mid week.  Thursday evening the clouds parted and the sun came out long enough for me to get a good hour long walk in.  My youngest went with me and we made it home just in time for it to cloud up again and start to rain.  Between the weather and our schedule I only managed to get the one walk in, but that is okay.  I know warmer weather and a less hectic schedule are not too far away.

I loaded some digital coupons to two grocery store rewards cards and printed off eight online coupons from  I print my coupons onto scrap paper I got from work a couple years ago.

I worked a little bit of overtime again.

Some of the 15 Minute Chores I accomplished to keep my home in order:

Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - vacuumed floors, super scrubbed the sink.  Daily swish & swipe.

Dining Room - vacuumed floor, dusted shelves.

Kitchen -  vacuumed & spot mopped floor, cleaned the microwave, wiped down appliances.

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - vacuumed & dusted.  My oldest cleaned the bathroom.  Daily swish & swipe.

Other - three loads of laundry, dusted & vacuumed living room, hallway & entry.  Swept front porch.

How was your thrifty week?


  1. Sounds like you had a great week with some needed downtime in pj's!

    1. Yes indeed. Sipping coffee and watching the rain come down. LOL

  2. I agree with Poldark and Masterpiece Theater..the best there is...switched to keto last month so my grocery bill went way up stocking up what I need since I began with an empty pantry...since my appetite is so decreased this food should last a long time and be a cheaper way of eating in the long run...thanks for your inspiration!

    1. I'm so happy for you Kelley. I'm amazed at how much longer my food lasts. Now the kids on the other hand.... Ha, ha. Teenagers still eat a lot no matter what.


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