Saturday, December 22, 2018

Year End Planning & Preparation

We are now officially on winter break from school and I am very happy about that.  This will free up a lot of my time and allow me to cool my heels for a bit and focus my attention elsewhere fpr a short time.  One thing I've been doing a lot lately is planning for next year as well as preparing for it.

As I've already shared with you I created a 2019 calendar and made myself a much larger dayplanner to keep track of all that we will be doing in the coming year.  I started using it in November so I could get a feel for it and make any tweaks I felt I needed to.  So far it is working like a dream.  My only complaint is the size of it, however it needs to be large enough to do the job so that will have to be the tradeoff.

I made an updated list of Goals of things I want to accomplish in 2019 as well as beyond.  I try not to plan too far into the future, however mapping out some ideas for the next 5 years of things I'd like to accomplish isn't a bad idea.  Those goals aren't all necessarily set in stone and can be modified if the need arises.  I think some flexibility is important.  Most of my goals are for 2019 and I will be accomplishing as many as I can and checking them off my list as I do.  I love making those checkmarks!

I included a Wish List of things I might like to have, but definitely don't need, as well as a Project List of things to complete around the house.  After a very successful year of home improvements and updates I'm hoping to continue to ride that wave into 2019 and do some more.  So far I've been extremely happy with what we've done around here and I'm super excited about what I've got planned to do next.

Self improvement is also something I plan to work on next year.  Every year I know there are plenty of things for me to work on and learn.  Living with intent and purpose is one of the goals I've mapped out for myself in 2019.  What that means to me is that I want to put just a bit more into what I do, what I say, how I feel and what I think.  It is very important to me to always be grateful, thankful, hopeful and have faith.  Remaining optimistic and maintaining a positive attitude on a daily basis is a huge part of how I wish to approach my life.  I'll be carrying that forward into 2019 as well.

As I'm wrapping up 2018 I've been looking back and reflecting on what a fantastic year it has been for us.  I had a bit of a bumpy start with some health concerns and an unkind co-worker that was hell bent on making life miserable and I was able to make the necessary changes to dramatically improve on that.  I still have some work to do though.  I need to continue to improve my health and get better and better.  I also need to be able to soften my heart and forgive that person at work.  So far the latter has been a real struggle for me and I continue to be hopeful that in time I can let it go and feel pity for that person instead of the intense feelings I harbor now.

So that is what I've done so far to prepare for 2019.  Do you do anything like this?  If so, I'd love to hear about it.


  1. I really like your plan to live with intention. And, I have a similar challenge with a coworker who goes out of her way to make my job difficult. Second vacation in a row I've taken where she's escalated something unimportant to our manager about me. I try to remind myself that, in the long run, it all comes out in the wash, & others are aware of what's happening. I'll continue to conduct myself professionally & politely at work.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear this. Co-workers like that can really make going to work miserable. I firmly believe in karma. It is the great equalizer. In the meantime take care of yourself and I'll pray that all goes well.

  2. I'm looking forward to your plans for the new year! I hope your health improves, I'll be working on that as well.


    1. Thank you! We can work on it together! Merry Christmas.

  3. I have accomplished my first goal which was to get caught up reading your blog. I have been behind since August. Can I keep current this year???? Probably not.

    I really only have one other goal for next year, it is to get healthy. Everything else in my life is hinging on it. I am making tiny progress.


    1. Keep on reading Sister! Health will a big part of my blog and my goals in 2019. We can do this! Merry Christmas Jeannie. :)


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