It ended up being a pretty hot week last week so I focused on a lot inside projects. I made quite a bit of progress too. My goal for Sunday morning was to reclaim my dining room table, finish cleaning up and putting away our camping equipment, take items in the house that belonged out to the motorhome out to the motorhome and finish up some canning. I was up at 7:00 and by 9:30 I had pretty much completed my list and had nine pint jars in the pressure canner. At noon I put carne asada into the slow cooker for Sunday dinner.
My $8 haul |
While my pint jars cooled I dashed down to our neighborhood supermarket to pick up a few items that were on sale as well as two freebie items - lip balm and tea. The chicken breasts were 99¢ a pound and the Oreos were 99¢ a package. I put the cookies away for my daughter's school lunches. The lettuce was 99¢ too with a digital coupon.
After work on Monday I got busy and vacuum sealed prepper pantry items I had bought back in June! I had stacked them on top of my fridge (eyesore) and they had been glaring at me long enough. Now everything is put away where it belongs and I am super happy about that. I also tidied up the inside of the fridge while I was at it and we worked on eating up leftovers throughout the week so nothing would go to waste.
A $10 Prep! |
I checked the grocery ads on Wednesday morning and found only a couple items of interest. Granola bars for 99¢ a box and Crest toothpaste for 79¢ a tube. I also had a digital coupon for two boxes of band-aids for 99¢ each. I stopped by after work and picked all of those items for a $12 prep this week. I also did an online order through Amazon for 2 cans of powdered milk and powdered buttermilk to add to my stash. I vacuum sealed and put away my new prepper items from the grocery store right away. I also reorganized the kitchen freezer to make sure like items are together so I always know what is in there and we use things up before they get wasted.
My $12 Albertsons haul |
On Thursday I decided to save myself a weekend errand and run over to the outlet mall on my lunch break. I was able to pick up several items at the Vanity Fair Outlet store for myself that I had seen while school clothes shopping with my daughter the Saturday before. I used the money I made selling an old drill plus another $10 to pick up 5 pairs of undies, 6 pair of sock, a pair of winter pajamas and a new pair of work pants. All for $30! I was thrilled. And doing this on my lunch break totally freed up my weekend! Win-win!
The jammie pants have kitties on them! 😁 |
Even though it was 100°or more outside I began a crochet project for a neck warmer with a skein of black yarn I had picked up at Goodwill last year for 99¢. I will still have plenty of yarn left for another project. I haven't crocheted anything for a very long time.
A pint of dehydrated green bell peppers |
I used the same templates from last year and items I already had on hand to start building my 2021 Dayplanner. I'm super excited with how it is turning out.
We made sure to eat up all of our leftovers so no food was wasted. Our kitchen scraps went out to the chickens. I ended up cooking three meals at the beginning of the week that kept us fed all week with plenty of variety. Green salads were our side dish of choice.
I ordered these items from Amazon last week |
I washed out a few more ziploc bags to reuse, used up the last bit of chap stick I had in a tube in the bathroom before replacing it and used up the last bit of hand lotion I'd had in a bottle sitting upside down for several weeks.
I darned a sock. I watched some FREE movies on Youtube. I sold a very old cordless drill without a charger on Facebook Marketplace for $20. I also worked some more overtime last week too.
Prepper Pantry = canned ground beef, dehydrated green bell peppers. Vacuum sealed hot cocoa packets, flour, sugar, rice, oatmeal, granola bars. Vegetable oil, sauce packets, cookie sprinkles, 50 ct. paper masks, 100 pair nitrile gloves, canned green beans, canned corn, toothpaste, band-aids.
Some of the 15 Minute Chores I accomplished to keep my home in order:
Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - vacuumed floors. Daily swish & swipe.
Dining Room - vacuumed & spot mopped floor, cleaned chairs.
Kitchen - vacuumed & spot mopped floor, scrubbed & bleached sink, cleaned range hood, stove & microwave.
Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - vacuumed & dusted. Scrubbed sink & tub. Daily swish & swipe.
Other - two large loads of laundry, vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & entry, spot mopped front entry. Swept front porch & garage.
How was your thrifty week?
I love all your thrifty finds. I live in Ontario, Canada and am mostly eating fresh things from the garden and local fruit stands right now, but like you I’m always on the lookout for great grocery store deals. Can I ask you why you do prepping? It’s not something that anyone I know does and it doesn’t seem so common here where I live. What’s the reason you keep such a stash? Thanks for sharing all your good ideas! M
ReplyDeleteThe grocery deals are still out there, thankfully.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question check out this post I wrote about it: