Friday, December 29, 2017

My Uber Thrifty Month In Review - December

December was a pretty thrifty month for us, all things considered.  I know for a lot of people December can be especially difficult for finances.  Thankfully, I had planned ahead enough and we managed to get through the month as if it was like any other.

Our monthly expenses were paid ahead of their due dates and we saw a much higher electric bill this time as we are now in winter and our temperatures have been well below freezing most days.  I was pleasantly surprised, however to see I had budgeted more than was necessary to cover that expense.  I was able to push the extra over to my Laverne goal.

Speaking of... how is that going?  Well I am very happy to report that I am ahead of schedule and super excited about that!  Getting the money put back that I've spent on the motorhome so far is my current priority and I'll be very happy to have that goal wrapped up and completed soon.

I had a few unexpected medical bills this month and I managed those using money in our emergency fund, which is what that fund is designed for.  I plan to get that money put back next month so I'm sure to have it in case I need it again.  There is a lot of comfort knowing that I have that money set aside, just in case.

Christmas can be an expensive time, but I had planned ahead and prepared enough that we literally felt no financial impact whatsoever.  The only Christmas shopping I did in December was to finish up stocking stuffers and I did that at the dollar store.  I had a lot of fun too!

We had plenty of food in the pantry and freezers including our meat for our Christmas dinner which I had bought on sale a couple months ago.  We didn't need much this month.  I filled in with fresh produce and dairy as well as a few pantry items coming in well under budget.

I found fuel at a service station near my work for 10¢ less per gallon than Fred Meyer so I stopped there to fill up our car.  I only needed to buy one tank of fuel this month and I'll be ending the year with over half a tank still left.  The girls being out of school the last half of the month has made quite a difference in our fuel use.

So that is it for the final month of the year.  Going forward into 2018 I plan to continue with my latest financial goal and I have a few new ones in mind as well.  In order to accomplish those goals we'll need to be wise with our spending.  I hope you'll continue to follow along with me as we embark on another fantastic and thrifty year ahead.


  1. Have a Happy New Year! I hope it is a wonderful year for you. Paula in Kansas

  2. You are so encouraging to me. I think my easier than normal Christmas this year is due largely to your good example and monthly reminders - I am so glad I stumbled on your blog this year!

    I have a few goals for the new year, I don't want to try to make too many and discourage myself. I want to actively participate in your monthly Christmas posts- i have a few goals like make things, buys things, tuck back a little cash,etc. I also "owe" myself money back from the car incident last month. That set me back and I am going to try to repay myself over the next few months. It won't be easy as my discretionary spending is very modest but I am going to really try. My birthday is near the end of April - it would be a nice gift to myself to know that debt has been repaid. I also want to pay off my car. I don't have a lot I still owe but my goal is that by the year's end it will be paid off.

    I also want to do better with my groceries. Food waste still creeps in even with us watching carefully. I am trying to find the best way to stop that.

    1. Candace I am so glad you find the blog helpful. A lot of my Christmas posts I have planned are with you in mind. You inspired me as well and I thank you for that! Your goals sound great and I'm sure you can make it happen. Happy New Year! It is going to be a great one!


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