Thursday, July 8, 2021

Stove, Rangehood & Microwave

I timed myself the other day to see if I am still doing these chores within fifteen minutes or less and found that I am.  The reason being is that I do them often enough that very little dirt and grime seems to accumulate making it a much faster and easier process.  Most days I do a wipedown of my appliances while I am finishing up my dishes.  This helps tremendously to keep things neat and tidy on a regular basis.


Not too horrible

Once a quarter I will pull the stove out away from the wall and vacuum the floor.  I'm always amazed to find a missing treasure (usually a cat toy) underneath each time.  I clean the walls and sides of the cabinetry behind and then the back and sides of the stove before I wash the floor.  Once the floor is dry I push the stove back in place and then clean the control panel and knobs and the stovetop.  I clean the front last.


The drawer underneath is where I store my pots and pans.  It is a simple process to pull everything out including the drawer liner I made with flannel and quilted fabric.  I wash it with my regular load of laundry from time to time and wipe out the drawer before putting my pans back inside.  I can complete this task in less than fifteen minutes, often sooner.


The rangehood and microwave get wiped down daily as well, but I like to give them a deeper clean on a quarterly basis.  If you have a blow up in your microwave simply heat a cup of water in it for about three minutes and allow it to sit and steam for ten minutes.  Remove the cup as well as the glass plate and wipe out the inside with a clean soapy rag.  If you have odors add a couple tablespoons of vinegar to the cup of water first.  I leave the door open until the interior is dry and wash the glass plate while I am waiting.  Once everything is dry and the plate is back in place I close the door and clean the exterior.


The rangehood gets a quick spray of degreaser and allowed to sit for a minute or two before I completely wipe it down.  I remove the light cover and clean it as well as the filter.  My filter is aluminum and can be cleaned by spraying it down with degreaser and then allowing it to sit while I clean the rangehood.  I use a bristle brush to scrub it on both sides and then rinse with hot water.  It can also go in the dishwasher, which I have done before, however I find this method is quick and easy.  I can usually get the rangehood and microwave both cleaned in about fifteen minutes time.


I do appreciate knowing there aren't any gremlin lurking beneath my appliances

I have found that for me consistency in my cleaning routines is key to making them fast and easy.  Having a good checklist helps me keep track of what I've done so I don't have to think about it once the task is complete.  I just check the box and move on.



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