Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Financial Management - Paying Off Debt

This is one area I cannot express enough.  If you have debt, pay it off.  If you want to successfully survive a financial crisis you can't have a lot of debt.  It simply will not work.  Do whatever you have to and get your debt paid off.  Sell stuff, downsize, take on an extra job, refinance your home, whatever it needs to be, but get it paid.  Then once you are done, stay out of debt.

Easier said than done, I do know that from my own experiences, but necessary.  Our circumstances can change on a dime as the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated and we need to be better prepared.  For those that have been out of work this is financially devastating.  If we can learn to live with no debt, except maybe  for our mortgage, and have a nice emergency fund established, as well as a full pantry, can you just imagine how much better we could do?  I think that is the best goal we could work toward.

For me I have no time to waste.  I have to be debt free before I can retire.

Think about it.  What can you do to eliminate debt?  How much better off would you be?


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