Friday, November 6, 2015

My Uber Thrifty Month In Review - October

October sure went by in a flash, but I've been feeling that way every month this year.  How about you?  I feel like I really kicked butt this month on the financial front.  My cost of living raise I received mid month in September is actually making a difference.  Often you get one and don't really notice it.  It is really nice to have the extra cash and I'm determined to put it to good use.  What a blessing. 
I am always thrilled and incredibly grateful when I am able to pay our monthly bills ahead of their due dates and this month I was able to do just that once again.  I was also able to pay my mortgage two weeks ahead of schedule.  This simple change is really helping me to save interest and it is fun to see the principal balance steadily decrease.

I am continuing to work on my business debt goals and I am very happy with my progress so far.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it won't be much longer until that goal is met.  Sometimes I find myself getting impatient with the progress.  I want that debt gone.  But then I settle down and remember "slow and steady wins the race".  It is becoming my mantra.  And it's true.  I just keep plucking away at it and sure enough things begin to happen. 
Along with debt reduction I was able to make my monthly savings goals with no trouble and watching that balance go up always tickles me.  I know it seems to some that you shouldn’t worry so much about savings while you are paying off debt.  It would be wiser to put that extra toward the debt, but actually that isn't the case.  Having savings allows me to cover unexpected expenses so I won't have to add to the debt and make it bigger.  I've had to do that twice this year and it was a relief knowing that money was there when I needed it.

I received my quarterly statements on my retirement accounts and was thrilled to see those balances creeping up as well.  I was worried when the stock market took a nose dive but the impact for me, fortunately, was fairly minimal.  Again, I just keep plucking away at it.

I own it!
I was able to make two sizeable payments on my PayPal account.  My sewing table is completely paid for and I paid a good chunk of the dresser I bought afterward.  Still interest free.  My hope is to pay it off in November and be done.  Fingers crossed.

After my big stock up on groceries in September I spent very little on food this month.  Most of what I purchased was fresh produce and milk.  I did take advantage of a few loss leaders to add to our supplies but for the most part I focused on the fresh stuff.  Even still, I bought what was on sale and in season.  I also used store coupons for additional savings.  It feels really good to be well stocked and not need as much.

The chickens kept us in fresh eggs and we sold enough that they were able to pay for their own food.  I bought two 50# bags of pellets at the feed store which should pretty much hold them through the winter.  I also plan to get them another bag of scratch grains after we sell more eggs.

I purchased my monthly tank of gas and used my rewards card to save an additional 3¢ per gallon.  That combined with the dropping fuel prices made for a very affordable fill up.

Love this full pantry!

I did a little online Christmas shopping with free shipping, of course.  I'm making good progress in that department and it looks like I'll be able to meet my goal of finishing up my gifts by Thanksgiving weekend.  And staying within budget too.

With cooler temperatures on the horizon I think I am well prepared and budgeted for the higher electric bills in the coming months.  Now that we won't be watering the lawn and garden our water bills will be lower so that will make for a nice offset and help some as well.

So bring it on November.  Let's see what we get accomplished in the next month.


  1. Really like the pumpkin piggy! lol

    I also stocked up on great deals from our "Fred Meyers" otherwise known as Fry's and our gasoline was $1.89 a gallon with the fuel discounts. Hooray.

    1. I was so excited to get gas up here for $1.99 at Fred's. I used my rewards points too. Love the lower gas prices.

  2. your pantry is so neat and clean. I live right outside of Raleigh, NC and my little town won't allow chickens. I wish they would.

    1. Thank you! Too bad about the chickens. We are so luck to have ours.


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