Thursday, January 19, 2017

Organizing My Important Papers - The Binder

It has been really important to me that I make sure all of my paperwork is in order and organized in one place.  I took a large binder, some tab dividers and several sheet protectors and was able to do just that.

The binder holds all of our insurance and banking.  It also has our immunization records, birth certificates and the titles to our vehicles.  Eventually, once my Will is completed, a copy of
it will go inside too as well as funeral plans and final wishes.

I thought it would also be helpful to have a list of my online activities so if someone in my family needed to act on my behalf, such as pay bills or check my email, whatever, they could do that for me.  Pretty much everything they would need in the event of an emergency or my death is in there for them.

We keep it in a safe place and only my girls know where it is.  They also know that if I'm ever incapacitated or pass away the information they will need is there.  It is important too that I maintain this binder and keep it updated as things change.

My reasons behind this binder are two-fold.  One, I wanted all of this stuff neatly organized and stored.  And two, I wanted it available for my girls should something happen.  I imagine it would be traumatic enough for them without having to go through everything and try to figure it all out on their own.  In some instances, there are things that no one would even know about that would need to be dealt with.

Although talking with your children about your untimely demise may be unpleasant, once they are old enough I feel it is an important conversation to have.  We had that conversation not too long ago.  It was good too in that they were able to ask questions and know what might happen if worse came to worse.

They also made me promise to live to 99.  I told them I would certainly do my best.


  1. I like this idea of a binder. I have a lock box with most of our important stuff but not all. I may make this a New Years project.

    1. I had a box too, but it wasn't working how it I wanted. This has been so much better.

  2. We call this a Love Book. So your loved ones know where to look and what to do if something happened to you. I had a friend I worked with who's husband drove a Brinks truck. (the ones that pick up and deliver money) She turned on the news one day and saw that one of the trucks had over turned. It was the one her husband drove and he had died. She fell apart but the one thing that helped her get through it all was the Love Book he had made and left for her. Step by step she knew what to do and where to look. It made a worse situation just a little bit easier and she said she could feel how much he loved her to do this for her. Take care.

    1. Calling it a Love Book is a fabulous idea. So sad to hear about your friend. You just never know, do you?

  3. your girls asking you to live till 99, is so sweet... <3

  4. My parents took this one step further. They had us all over for dinner and then asked what each of us wanted to inherit.

    I wanted my Dad's pewter cup set he had received at work for a good driving record, she got up, went over and handed it to me. She said, "It is yours. Take it now". We all chose and she handed everything to us then.

    My brother got all Dad's tools, which of course stayed in his garage. He has since slowly given things to my sons.

    Joshua, my oldest, wanted Granddad's anvil (why???) and to this day he carries it in the trunk of his car since he does not have a home of his own.


    1. I plan to do that when I move from my current home into my next one and even a bit beforehand as my girls move out and set up their own homes As I get older I find myself growing less and less attached to things.

    2. If you are still planning on moving into a smaller house, giving to the girls will be perfect. How is it stuff just keeps multiplying in the closets? The more I give away, the more I have.

    3. It amazes me how much crap we can accumulate. Its nuts! :)


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