Thursday, February 24, 2022

Freeze Dried Foods


Last fall I became really interested in freeze dried foods after doing a couple years of research and consideration.  I've read up and watched a lot of videos about them as well how to store and cook with them.  It can be an expensive process, but I decided it was a really good option for me.


An unopened can of freeze dried foods has a twenty five year shelf life, which is pretty amazing.  Once opened it can last a year or more if stored properly.  Freeze dried foods are lightweight and compact too meaning you can store a lot in a smaller amount of space.  Along with that they are fast and easy to rehydrate for use.  All of those things appealed to me so I decided to take the plunge and place an order.


Each month I make decisions based on available finances, what I have and what I would like to have.  Some months I may only purchase one can and others I am able to purchase several.  It just depends.  I began with meats first and now have worked my way into butter, eggs and I'm adding fruits and vegetables.  Along with what I dehydrate I am able to build a well rounded pantry of dry stores.


Since I plan to travel and hike a lot in the not too distant future I think this will be a great option to have on hand, but there are many reasons to have some of these foods in place.  I like that in an emergency or power outage it won't take much to put a meal together using an alternate fuel source. Plus, I'm having fun with it.


There are many places that sell freeze dried foods, but I encourage you to do your research on those as well.  Unfortunately there are some online scam companies claiming to sell these items, happy to take your money and never ship you anything.  Because of that I personally prefer to purchase mine from Amazon.  For me, adding freeze dried options to our prepper pantry makes a lot of sense.  How about you?



  1. I have tasted freeze-dried food, but only a sample. My dream is to own the freeze dryer myself! I am going to start dehydrating again, starting with celery. Your acquisitions are fantastic!

    1. I would LOVE to have a freeze dryer. :)

    2. My goal was to freeze dry food and sell it at the Farmer's Market. They allow canned and dehydrated food, so I thought this would pay for the freeze dryer. You might be able to do that, too.

  2. Do you have a favorite brand? I have a few Thrive cans and Augason Farms.

    1. I really don't. I have Nutristore, Augason Farms and Mountain House.


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