Thursday, February 17, 2022

Managing Stress & Anxiety


It has been an incredible past two years, A LOT has been happening to us.  The news media pummels us constantly with gloom and doom, our government is at odds with itself and we get conflicting data on just about every topic, especially this pandemic.  An uncertain future awaits us and it can all become extremely overwhelming.


I personally cannot afford to get caught up in all of this world drama.  It is too much for me.  What I can do is take care of myself and do the things that make the most sense to me.  I will not get sucked in by every sensational headline.  I won't obsess and worry about the things I cannot control.  I am not going to panic or knee jerk react to whatever the latest crisis is.  I am limiting my exposure and taking most of this nonsense with a grain of salt.  Common sense will rule the day.  Thankfully I have some.


I am taking things one day at a time.  Taking deep breaths and staying calm.  Going for walks and praying a lot.  Talking to God is my salvation, always has been.  I used to talk to Him every day on my long walks to and from school.  I feel His presence and I sense His guidance.  And I'm grateful, incredibly grateful.


I always feel better when I'm preparing for my future, working on goals, crafting, cleaning my home, preparing a meal, doing something purposeful.  Right now I am very focused on my home, my health and my well being.  I've been posting quite a bit about prepping because I feel deep in my gut and my heart that this is an important thing for me to do.  I hope others do too.  I feel strongly that doing something is so much more comforting than doing nothing and just hoping for the best.  I know the Lord will provide, but I also know God helps those who help themselves.


We've been traveling this bumpy road for a while and we'll most likely continue do so for a while longer.  How we choose to travel is the important part.  By taking things one day at a time, focusing on the positive, limiting my exposure to the negative and using good old fashioned commonsense helps me navigate these times and keeps me grounded.  I can do this.  You can too.



  1. You have the perfect attitude in these difficult times. And as for the media, while I think it's good to be informed, never forget bad news sells clicks so it isn't a bad idea to turn it off occasionally (often?) too!

  2. I liked this post very much. I, too, am just doing the daily things and not even listening to the news. We can't even be sure what we hear is true. I am also very glad that you posted about your prayer life. So many people are afraid to share their faith. My faith in God is important to me, also, and I was glad to see that you shared your feelings here.

  3. I have reduce my media consumption almost to zero, and also removed all FB folks who post a lot of news/political stuff. That's regardless of which "side" they are on. I just need less/none of it. It causes anxiety, and as Treaders posted, there are tons of click bait headlines out there.

    Instead, I focus on my health & well being & the health of my family. I work out to manage my stress, I read, and I make sure we have healthy food, and now that it's getting closer to spring, i'll work on our garden. We are lucky to have a climate that makes growing things a 9 month or so affair, which makes it fun & enjoyable, and really extends what you can produce, even from a few planters & boxes.

    1. I think your thoughts about this are right on. I'm with you completely. Less, or better yet none, is the way to go.

  4. Thank you for these words. My anxiety is sky-high right now as well. We pulled our daughter out of school when they dropped all protections, but I'm an experienced homeschooler with my older son, so this is like riding a bike for me. It's a change, for sure (which is likely the source of my anxiety, plus the pressure of her education being all on me now!), but we're enjoying our time together. But absolutely, I'm constantly gauging how much I can handle and what I need to back away from in order to better manage my stress. It's a challenge, for sure!

    1. We are going through a rough patch, no doubt about that, and I think we all know it. I personally don't need any constant reminders. Instead I'm focusing on the good things I can do to get past this.



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