On budget! I'm pretty
darn happy with my grocery shopping this month.
I made a point to purchase good quality produce, use up leftovers to
limit food waste and buy as much as I could on sale instead of paying full
price. Full price items were purchased
at stores I knew were lowest in cost. We
ate well, especially at Christmas, and baked lots of yummy treats to share with
friends and family. There was a lot of
fun in our kitchen this month.
I found lots of markdown items that really helped me stretch my grocery $$ |
I was pretty happy about all of these finds |
BBQ sauce for a quarter! |
I'm always on the hunt for markdown stickers |
I found 7 boxes of dryer sheets marked down for 99¢
each. I'm sure I have enough for myself
and my daughter to last until she graduates college. I also found cotton balls on markdown for 79¢
for a jumbo bag. Toilet paper was on
sale for $3.99 for 12 double rolls so I decided to add one package to my winter
stash. My non food budget is $25 a month
and of that I only ended up spending $11.71.
Really good sales and digital coupons helped a lot too! |
Our Christmas steaks were only $9.67 after a digital coupon and then the 30% OFF! |
I continue to tally my budget and divide it by three people
as my oldest still raids the pantry regularly and cooks in her room quite a
bit. Next semester she is forgoing the student
meal plan altogether and will be fully responsible to prepare her own meals so
I plan to help her with groceries even more in the coming year. This month I fed a lot of people and we contributed quite a bit to a food drive at
my youngest daughter's high school.
Overall I'm really happy that I was able to do all of that and still
maintain a fairly full pantry and freezer while staying on budget.
All of these items were loss leaders on sale at two different stores |
More loss leader items |
Here is the food I bought this month:
$150.07 ÷ 31 days ÷3+
people = $1.61 per person per day!
Freebies!! |
Update on November: A math error, pointed out by one of my lovely
readers, in my favor! I'd put the
decimal point in the wrong spot
making my 78¢ green onions $78!!
Yow! No wonder I thought I was
over budget. Once I fixed that I was way
under. Much better!
$133.54 ÷ 30 days ÷3 people = $1.48 per person per day!
Don't forget the extra people you fed this month! You actually did WAY better than your final total suggests.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cindy. I think I ended the year quite nicely. :o)