Tuesday, June 13, 2017

As I Slip Into Summer Mode

I am truly grateful for the much slower pace of the summer season.  I am enjoying the reprieve of making school lunches every morning before I go to work.  My girls have more time to help with some of the household chores during the day so we don't have to hurry up and get them all done in the evenings.

The daylight hours are longer and my morning commute is brighter.  Everything is leafed out and flowers are blooming.  I see my next door neighbors more because we spend more time outdoors so there is a lot of visiting over the fence these days.  The scent of barbeques wafts across the air from time to time which I love along with the smell of freshly cut grass.

The quail and robins come to sit on my fence.  I get to yell at the squirrels and give them hell for all the havoc they wreak from time to time.  I get to spend more time with my chickens too.

There is a lot less time in the car, unless it is to travel on a vacation or weekend getaway.  Fewer appointments and very few commitments to hurry off to. 

I drag my power tools out of the garage and get to turn my attention to projects on my "To Do" list, which I enjoy and it really gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Sprucing things up around the house and fixing things that need repair.  Being a good steward of my little domain.

I get to slow down, be more present and aware.  Take my time and enjoy what I am doing.  I get more time with my children.  And although it doesn't seem to make time slow down any as the days rush by I do appreciate it nonetheless.  Each and every day.


  1. Such a great post. :) I find we visit more with our neighbors too during the warmer Spring and Summer months. I love the smell of BBQs going and it inspires me to plan more meals to grill too. I hope you enjoy your Summer my friend!


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