Thursday, February 25, 2021

Revisiting An Old Post - Pocket Money


Last week I mentioned I was working on Low Or No Spending in 2021.  My goal this year is to spend less so I can save more in preparation of my retirement goals.  Last year my big goal was to work my way toward debt freedom.  In order to do that I gave up my pocket money for the entire year of 2020 and looking back it was entirely worth it.


This year I decided to reinstate my $20 of monthly pocket money.  So far I have spent some of it on treats for me and my girls like chocolate, ice cream and I even bought myself a bottle of wine last month.  Nothing over the top or extravagant but it is really nice to have this little bit of money to spend on a whim and completely guilt free.


If you would like to read more about my decision to add pocket money to my monthly budget you can read my original post by clicking here.  Let me know if you do anything like this and what you like to use your pocket money for.



  1. Once we got out of debt, we started a monthly "mad money" stash in a kitchen drawer. When it's gone it's gone. Sometimes it lasts 2 months.

    I like the occasional Moxie Mocha. Hubster likes an occasional milk shake. We try to tip in cash so our servers have the $ immediately to meet their needs. I pay my egg lady in cash out of it as well.

    Cheers to pocket money :-)

  2. Let's see... this year, so far, I've used my pocket money to buy Mystery Science Theater 3000's Gamera movie pkg (had to use a few months' worth for that one) -- and am planning on getting a copy of a book about Inuit accounts of the 1840s Franklin Expedition. Goofy, but they make me happy.

  3. You are so disciplined. My husband is too but I’m not so much. I need to exercise those muscles.

    1. I wasnt' always. It has taken a long time for me to build those muscles myself. :)

  4. We call it personal money - we get $40 every 2 weeks when hubs gets paid. I usually use it for, well, it used to be eating out, now it is drive thru or pick-up....or craft supplies, but I need a LOT more money for that ;)

  5. We have given ourselves a personal allowance for 30+ years. I think it eliminates a lot of discord.


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