Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Meals On The Road

I don't do well eating out.  I often find foods are too salty or greasy for my liking and tend to leave me with that sick, I wish I hadn’t eaten that, feeling.  Not to mention it can be rather expensive. 

Whenever we travel, even if we are staying in hotels, I always pack a cooler stocked with beverages, snacks, fresh fruit and items to make sandwiches.  We try to keep the junk food to a minimum. 

By eating out once a day and then enjoying a "home cooked" meal at a park or in our hotel room we are able to maintain a healthier diet, save time and save some money too. 

Freezing water bottles to use for ice is a great way to keep foods chilled.  Once they melt you have plenty of cold drinking water.  I then supplement with ice from the hotel to keep our food chilled. 

It is not uncommon for me to stop at the grocery store to shop while on a trip too.  Nor is it all that uncommon for me to haul a slow cooker along to cook a meal on the bathroom counter of our hotel room. 

How are some ways you save on meals while traveling?


  1. We do love to eat out when traveling but we always take a cooler for drinks & snacks too. My hubby is diabetic so that way we always have things along if he would need it quick. We do always bring along cereal bars for the day we leave to come home to save money on eating breakfast out that last day & also to save time to get on the road sooner.

    1. Great idea about the cereal bars. I think I might pick some of those up for the kiddos. Enjoy your day!

  2. We only bring drinks and snacks on the rare occasion we travel. When we do go somewhere (I've been to maybe 4 hotels in the past decade), it is a rare and special treat so we enjoy eating out then. Something we try not to do so much at home.

    1. Like you we find eating out is a special part of going on vacation too. Needless to say we've been indulging quite a bit lately.


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