Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December $100 Grocery Budget 2021 & YE Totals

I didn't need much in the way of groceries this month.  Some fresh produce, but primarily what I spent my budget on was for items we wanted as opposed to things we needed.  I still made sure the things I bought were on sale, markdown or if not, best price.  We didn't need anything nonfood related so my $25 monthly budget remained untouched.


This year I challenged myself to work with an extremely thrifty $100 grocery budget.  I am super happy with how well I did with such a minimal budget.  It helped a lot that the majority of the year I was only feeding two of us, but I did load up some shopping bags a few times this year to help out my daughter who lives away at college.  She was able to supplement her own minimal budget with those extra groceries I funneled her way.


Check out that grand total!! 😁

Not only did I stay within the $100 a month budget but once everything was totaled up I actually had money left.  I was tempted to use it up on some frivolous grocery shopping but couldn't come up with anything I wanted enough to go to the grocery store again.  I think I was shopped out.  Instead I took the remaining $54.73 along with the $25 I did not need for non food items and put those amounts into savings.


We got FREE stuff too!

We managed a lot of delicious, healthy meals and we are ending the year with a fully stocked pantry and freezer.  It is an amazing feeling to be able to see what all we have and know we are about to begin a new year with no immediate needs or wants.  Because I was able to do so well this past year I am planning to carry this minimal grocery budget into 2022 and I am really excited about it.  I love a good challenge and with rising prices at the grocery store I'm sure this will be a huge challenge, but I'm pretty sure I can do it.


Markdown bread & produce plus a few sales items

I'm extra motivated to stick to it too, because I have a BIG goal planned next year.  Stick around for more details to come.  It is going to be AWESOME!


  1. That's amazing! You're a great inspiration!

  2. UNBELIEVABLE to me and I totally believe you. I won't tell you what I spent this year but our CSA for 24 weeks is close to your total.

    I cannot wait to hear about your 2022 plan. I love a good surprise :-)

  3. Wow!! This is fantastic and so inspiring! Groceries are the #1 budget item I need to reduce in 2022. We spent way too much.


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