Monday, August 20, 2012

Things I Love About This Summer

This has truly been a terrific and special summer for me and my little family.  I am so grateful and appreciative for all that we have and all that we did.  If you’ll indulge me a little here: 

Family – I am incredibly grateful for the time I have had to spend with my children this summer.  The things we have done, the experiences we have had and memories we have made are truly special and so important.  I am also grateful for all the extra time I’ve had to spend with my parents this year. 

Friends – Whenever you go through a trial in your life you truly do find out who your friends are who are not.  It’s really funny how the people you least expect turn out to be your biggest supporters.  I so appreciate my true friends and their faith in me. 

Adventures – Yellowstone, camping, Craters of the Moon, antiquing, museums, the Capitol building, many parks, hiking, bike rides and picnics.  We did a lot! 

Our Chickens – I never thought a trio of clucks would add so much to our lives.  I love watching my girls care for them and get so much pleasure from them.  We’ve taken at least a hundred chicken pictures so far and every day we enjoy them more and more.  I love that when I sit down outside they want to hop in my lap and settle down for a nap and to snuggle.  Who thought chickens snuggle?  We are so blessed to have them in our lives. 

Our Home – Our perfect, tiny little home that keeps us sheltered and safe.  My mini mansion with the refurbished deck that we sit on and enjoy meals at the patio table or just sit around and shoot the breeze with the neighbors.  The cute little chicken coop and our garden.  The fact that our cupboards are full and our closets have plenty within them. 

Courage – Finally I have the courage to do what I have wanted to do for so many years and to open my own business.  It is my hope to build this into a family business where it strengthens our relationships and provides the stability we need. 

Hope & Faith – No matter what, we always have to have hope.  Hope for our family, our friends and our future and the faith to see it all through to fruition.  Faith in ourselves and faith in God for inspiration and strength to follow the path we need to travel.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!Being able to cultivate a greatful heart is a gift. christina


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