Thursday, January 16, 2014

Uber Thrifty In 2014

I have some big financial goals I want to meet this year.  In order to make that happen we need to be extra thrifty this year.  That means instead of pinching those pennies once I'll be looking for new and better ways to pinch them two or three times.

I have mapped out my monthly expenses, planned some savings goals and set up my income goals.  In preparation of these goals I took on another bookkeeping client back in November bringing my total client list to two.  I plan to continue with my online eyewear sales on eBay, of course, but I am not sure about whether or not I will continue with my Etsy store.  I'm still thinking about that.

I cleaned out my wallet and my purse to get ready for 2014.  In my wallet I have my debit card and some cash, I put my change in my change jar, and all of my credit cards are put away for safekeeping only to be used in the case of an extreme emergency.  I am praying we don't have any of those this year.

I plan to track every penny spent on a daily basis.  I will be keeping a spreadsheet and a running tally so I know for sure what is coming in and what is going out.  I will also be setting aside funds for big expenses, like my annual insurance premium renewal in November, the girl's birthdays in November and, of course, Christmas.

Having an emergency fund set up for unexpected expenses is one of my big goals this year.  I am hoping to establish the base of this with part of my tax refund and then continue to add to it every month.  I am also praying we won't need to tap into it very often this year.  Not at all would be awesome, but I'm realistic.  Something is going to happen.

A family meeting was held and the girls voted for tiny house living for at least the next 18 months, much to my surprise.  They love their schools and the fact that we live closer to our friends now.  This is extremely important to them right now.  We also love our neighborhood.

Have you set any big spending or savings goals for yourself in 2014?  How are some ways you plan to save money this year?


  1. An emergency fund is a great thing to have, especially with kids in the house! I am trying to sock away at least $5K in my TFSA and I need to start saving for our "summer fun" as we're going to host another Japanese girl this summer as we soo miss "R"... so need to work out that goal as well! lol! Good luck with you budget! :)

    1. So excited for you and your family to host another girl this summer. I want at least that much in my emergency fund as well, not to mention retirement and regular savings goals to meet. Also, I owe my kids a trip to Disney Land. Seems overwhelming but not unattainable.

  2. we do have a big financial goal that we think we can make in 3 years. I am spending so carefully and currently doing a freezer challenge with way too much food in our freezer.
    I am glad you and your girls are happy for now in your little quarters. I would think if you can be happy in the winter in a tiny home, you can be happy just about anywhere.

    1. It always amazed me how I could fill up a freezer and pantry with way too much. But I was always glad to have it. Made pantry challenges fun anyway. Made me mad though when I found things I forgot about that were freezer burned. A freezer challenge every now and then is a good thing. :)

  3. Planning your finances is a good way to start the year. It can be a bit challenging, because it won't account for sudden expenses and such. But I think it wouldn’t be a problem to you because you’re very organized, and you can always prepare for it by adding an emergency fund in the budget. And the spreadsheet is smart move, because it will make tracking all of your expenses and income that much easier. Cheers!

    Rebecca Cross @ Advanced Accounts


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