Thursday, January 9, 2020

Choose Happy, Seek Joy

I am a firm believer that happiness is a choice.  No one and nothing can make you truly happy.  But by making the decision to be happy and seek joy, life takes on a whole new dimension.

A key part of my happiness is my strong sense of gratitude.  I am sincerely appreciative and grateful for everything I have and all that I will have in my future.  I find that carrying a strong sense of gratitude makes my heart happy and I am filled with optimism.

Happiness is not something I take for granted.  I treasure its worth and consider it to be incredibly valuable.  I know not everyone is blessed to be happy and feel contented in their life.  If everybody knew that all they had to do was make a choice, it would be a whole different world to live in.

I encourage everyone, every day to decide to be happy.  To be grateful and appreciative of what they have.  To take pleasure in the simple little things.  To feel contentment.  And to seek joy.

I choose happy.  Every day.


  1. AMEN! I am amazed at the complaining I hear from people who "hav so much more". I think that you, like me, find that being grateful creates a door for even more abundance.

    God Bless You and your Girls :-)

    1. Thank you Elle. Gratitude is definitely a gateway for happiness.

  2. Yes, happiness is a choice. I agree. Nannie

  3. Well said! My husband is probably the most happy person I know. He chooses joy and happiness every day and sees the best in all. I am a little more practical than he is because he does have trouble identifying people who are not out for good so I am the balancer. lol. Take care and thanks for this post. What I needed to hear today!

  4. Yes this is so true! We all need this reminder now and then. We can look at the good or we can look at the bad. It is a choice. Another's thing I have learned as I have aged is that you don't FALL in love. It is a conscious choice to love someone. Emotions come and go but it is our will that causes us to choose to love someone.

  5. Love this! I've been reading a book about small habits. One of the habits the book starts with is saying every day, "today is going to be a great day" - even if you don't think it's possible. I've been trying it, & it's great.

    Like you, I work hard to try & find the joy. I'm by no means a pro at this, and it's a work in progress. But, the effort is worth it!

    1. I do that! Every morning on my way to work. Because, let's face it, not every day do we feel like going to work. I find it very helpful.

    2. A counselor I saw back in 1992, when I was dealing with a panic attack helped me do this: choose 3 things to say to yourself that will help you focus. Say those every time you get in your car and again right before you get out of your car.

      It became a habit I incorporated into my life. Every time I want or need a change in my thoughts or habits, I do this.

      On hard days at work, I reminded myself that going to work was funding the rest of my life needs/wants and ultimately....retirement. Somehow with my eye on that goal, I can do it!

    3. Thanks for sharing this Elle. Great advice.


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