Friday, March 20, 2020

Bad Days? Or Challenges?

No one likes to have a bad day.  I choose not to have bad days.  Some of my days may be bumpy, but thankfully they are never a total loss.  I try not to allow it.  It's a mindset.

If I look at a bumpy day as a challenge instead of something horrible I am much better able to handle whatever situation arises.  Rather than panic or cave in I choose to look at it as a challenge.  A challenge I can handle.  Challenges motivate me to come up with solutions.

With a challenge I'm able to step aside, think about it, weigh and measure, then put a plan into place.  I'm able to be less emotional, more objective and more practical.  Knee jerk reactions rarely work out.  I'd much rather use a level head and make things better, not worse.

I have found the most important part for me to not have bad days is my attitude about things.  By simply refusing to accept that things are bad and accepting that I have a challenge to overcome I do much better.  My grandmother used to tell me that nothing is so bad it couldn't be worse and she was right.

Do you have bad days?  Or do you sometimes have a day that is just more challenging?


  1. Well, I have had days with these happening that I wouldn't wish on anybody. There are some things that are just bad. But, I am also a firm believer that, outside of those things, there is really nothing so bad that a good night's sleep and fresh start can't, if not cure, put into a better perspective. I used to put this into practice when my kids were younger--if I saw them starting to get overwhelmed, I'd tell them that the day was over, it was time to have a bath, go to bed with a book, and start again tomorrow.

  2. Yes! I do have bad days. Being in the ER is a bad day, not a bump.


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