Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Easy Rice Dish On The Side

Here is a simple and thrifty rice side dish that goes great with a lot of different entrees.  You can change it up quite a bit too which makes if very versatile.  It also happens to be pretty tasty.

I begin by sauteing a chopped carrot, some onion and celery in a couple tablespoons of oil.  Once the onions are tender I add a cup of rice and saute that for a few minutes with a couple teaspoons of dried parsley, some salt and pepper.  

Once the rice begins to brown add 2 cups of broth or water with bouillon.

Propping the lid open with the spoon keeps it from boiling over

Over medium heat loosely cover the pot and simmer for five minutes.  Then turn off the heat, fit the lid tight and let it sit for twenty more minutes on the hot burner.  

Fluff the rice and serve.  Pretty darned easy and it costs only pennies to make.  You could jazz this up with additional vegetables or spices and make it any way you like.


  1. Wow, thank you for the recipe. I am pretty sure my girls would LOVE this. It will be a nice compliment to just about any meal.

  2. I love this recipe, simple and stuff I have on hand. I also love the "cover it and turn the heat off idea". Great stuff keep it coming.

    1. Thank you Alison. Rice turns out perfect every time. Enjoy.


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