Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Home Management

Have you ever thought of managing your home as if it was a business?  And the very parts of it as if they were departments within that business?  And those that live inside aren't just there to loaf and freeload.  They have jobs and responsibilities.  Kind of like employees, but they don't get paid.  While they may not draw a salary, what they do get is a nice place to live.

I am the CEO of our home therefore it is up to me to make sure we are successful.  And like any good CEO I want to make sure our home is managed well so it can prosper and grow.  There are many facets to managing a home.  To look at it on the whole the prospect can become quite overwhelming, however if you break it down into smaller pieces it becomes much more manageable.  Therefore I have different "departments" within our home that I manage.

As the year goes on I will be focusing more on each of these "departments" and sharing with you more in depth how I manage our home.  Like Food Management, Home Management is equally important.  Our home is more than where we sleep at night it is our sanctuary, a safe haven.  It is also an investment and it needs to be kept up and cared for so that investment grows in value and we get a return on that investment.  Taking good care of our home ensures that it will continue to remain strong and provide us with adequate shelter while updating and improving our home adds additional value.  I manage all of this so things are taken care of in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner.  Just like a business.


  1. looking forward to your posts.Always looking for ways to improve. joyce

  2. I second that comment above! Your blog is so grounding for me, it keeps me focused on priorities. Thanks so much,


  3. Yes excited for those upcoming post. Every home needs a CEO at the helm. The ship runs so much smoother.


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