Wednesday, September 22, 2021

$6 Dollar Tree Prep!


I decided I wanted to add more of these dried hash browns to my prepper pantry if I got the opportunity to do so at a good price.  I've shopped around, including online, and found that Dollar Tree has had the best price.  They also seem to have them in stock fairly regularly so when I spotted them I grabbed six more to add to the four I already had.  It says there are five servings per box which isn't too shabby.  I'm very glad to have these.  What have you stocked up on lately?



  1. I haven’t seen these before, but will definitely keep my eyes open for them now.

  2. I have never had any kind of hashbrowns except from some sort of short order place a decade ago. But, I remember they were delicious. If I can get into DT, I might look for those. I sure would have loved them for dinner last night.

  3. I love those hashbrowns. Costco has them on sale in October so I will be buying mine there. When they are on sale I think they are about 75 cents or less each.


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