Monday, September 27, 2021

Last Week's Thrifty Moves


Sunday morning I was up super early, long before sunrise and just as a heavy downpour graced us with some much needed rain.  With a hot cup of coffee I set to work and divided up the packages of smoked sausages I had found on closeout a couple days before into meal sized portions  I labeled them and placed the packages into a gallon size Ziploc bag before tucking them into the freezer.  I spent a good portion of the rest of the day in my craft room creating more greeting cards for my Etsy shop.  I'm a slow crafter, but I do so enjoy myself and that's all that really matters in the long run.


Monday morning I managed to get my fall décor out and set out around our house.  I love adding those warm fall touches to our home.  After clocking out from work the young one and I made homemade pizza.  We haven't done that in ages and it was delicious.  I worked the week from home remotely and that has been going well.  I do miss going into the office each day, however.


Friday my daughter drove her car and we went to the bank and stopped by Fred Meyer to pick up cheese that was on sale for $1.29 per package.  Saturday morning we went to Albertson's and I started our October grocery shopping a bit early since the ad was a good one and it had items on my October list I was hoping to get for the upcoming holidays and our prepper pantry.


We spent most of Saturday working on small projects around the house in order to get ready for winter.  That chill is in the air these days, especially in the mornings and once the sun goes down so we know it won't be long until it is here.


THINGS WE ATE LAST WEEK:  Leftovers from the week before, homemade pizza, spaghetti & meat sauce, tacos.



Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - Dusted & vacuumed floors, wiped down appliances.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Kitchen & Dining Room - Vacuumed & spot mopped floors, cleaned windows, sill and tracks.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - Cleaned mirror, scrubbed sink & tub, vacuumed & dusted, mopped bathroom floor, washed rug.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Other - Two loads of laundry.  Vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & entryways.  Cleaned mirror & hearth.  Cleaned window, sill & track.  Cleaned and tidied garage, swept floor, swept front porch.


THINGS I DID TO SAVE A SMALL BUNDLE OF $$:  I washed out two gallon sized Ziploc bag and re-used one to store packages of breakfast sausages for the freezer.  Shopping around for insurance quotes netted us better coverage with a top rated company for the same amounts we paid last year and no increase once my youngest gets her license.  Because of the better coverage I was also able to drop another insurance I was paying for to cover our waterlines.  Our previous insurance only covered the sewer line and the new policy covers both.  I didn't drive this week.


I love these little ghosties so much I could leave them out all year long

THINGS I DID TO EARN EXTRA $$:  I sold more items and worked on making some new inventory for my Etsy store.


How was your thrifty week?




  1. I didn’t realize some policies cover water lines.

  2. Nice to see Jack making himself at home in "his" new chair!

    Make sure that new policy covers your sewer and waterlines to the street. Colorado policies, for some weird reason, don't do that unless you specify it (and pay a little extra). Which means that if something goes wrong where your lines connect to the mainline -- the cost is your responsbility, not theirs.
    I don't know why this is, but we nearly got caught on it when we were still responsible homeowners. A quick question to your agent should clear any questions up -- maybe Idaho is different, in this respect.

    Will be thinking of you while you're in Minnesota.

  3. Great job on finding better insurance coverage.

  4. I got the cheese deal as well but also had store coupons for .40 off each. Used up a lot of the store coupons I had being able to stack on the sale.


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