Friday, May 8, 2020

2020 Christmas Gift Idea #3 - Homemade Granola

A couple weeks ago I made some homemade granola for our prepper pantry and used my vacuum sealer to keep it fresh and keep it long term.  As I was working on this it occurred to me that this would be perfect to give as a Christmas gift.

Dried cranberries, raisins, coconut, walnuts & sunflower seeds

I really thing food gifts are going to be much more appreciated this year than ever before.  How nice would it be to receive a nice package of homemade granola.  I've shared the recipe for my granola before so if you might be interested in giving this as a gift click here.

You can package it or put it in a jar to give as a gift

Have any of you made your own granola before?


  1. I do make our granola! Hubster likes it on greek yogurt/blueberries. I like to just grab a small hunk for a snack. I've made both loose granola and chunky (using honey and oil). Yum!


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