Friday, May 1, 2020

May Day

It is May 1st and it seems like a great day to get busy, make some sound decisions, change up a few things and basically GYST.  So here is a really good question.

What is one thing you can do today that will make your life better?

Today.  Not tomorrow or next week.  But today.  One thing.

I have been asking myself that question every day for the last ten days and acting on it and it is making a huge difference.  Especially in my attitude.  I'm going to admit that for a while this whole virus situation had me more than a little irritated.  Mainly because I was focused on all the things that were going wrong instead of all of the benefits we are also being this situation is providing for us.  That wasn't very smart of me, but I reigned it in and redirected my focus.  Life is still good.

I can make changes.  I can readjust to what is going on and do things that make my life better.  In the process my actions will help others too.  Today is May Day.  It is not May Day because I need help and I'm drowning, ha, ha.  It is May Day because of flowers and the joys of spring.  Because no matter what happens life is still good.


  1. I paid an overdue bill -- does that count? And fixed some other business problems that developed while we were gone. (That's the frustrating part -- the mail comes in, but you don't see it until much later.) We also have a grubby job to do -- chopping out a big bush for our friend. But it will make a big difference when it's gone.

    These are 'nice' actions -- but they certainly are necessary.


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