Rains on Friday and wind Saturday of the previous week did a lot to improve the air and move out the smoke so we awoke to a beautiful and sunny Sunday morning. I was inspired to get busy and do quite a bit so I began by stripping the sheets off my bed, giving myself a haircut, showering and then getting dressed for the day.
We've had that fall nip in the air at night so I decided to go ahead and put the flannel sheets on the bed this time and once my bed was made I was off to Winco with my shopping list to pick up produce and a few pantry items. I found a couple packages of meat on markdown that just happen to fit into my latest meal plan so I bought those as well.
Once at home I started a load of laundry, put away the groceries and then settled in for an afternoon of paper crafting while binge watching television series using my Amazon Prime. It was the perfect way to end my weekend.
By Wednesday smoke had wafted back in and our air quality was really bad on Thursday. I went outside and did one hour of yard work then headed back inside. We got rain again late Friday night though so that helped immensely.
A couple of the cards I made last week |
I washed out five ziploc bags to reuse and ended up using three of them again for food storage.
We stuck to our new meal plan and ate up leftovers so we minimized any food waste. I gave the chickens a couple stale tortillas we had in the refrigerator as well as our kitchen scraps.
Ribs & coleslaw |
Some of the 15 MinuteChores I accomplished to keep my home in order:
Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - vacuumed floors. Cleaned mirrors, scrubbed sink & toilet. Daily swish & swipe.
Dining Room - vacuumed floor.
Kitchen - removed, cleaned & degreased rangehood filter, cleaned rangehood & microwave.
Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - vacuumed & dusted. Cleaned mirror, scrubbed tub. Daily swish & swipe.
Other - one large load of laundry, vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & entry, cleaned mirror. Swept driveway, front porch & garage, raked leaves.
How was your thrifty week?
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