Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Time Budgets


I think we can all agree there are not enough hours in a day, time seems to fly as we get older and there is more to do than there is time to do it.  Because of this I try to budget my time so I am able to get things done that are the most important to me.


Number one is to keep a clean, organized and tidy home.  Because I work a full time job and often extra hours my time is very limited.  Housekeeping is not the only thing I want to spend my time doing so I do all of my housekeeping on a schedule and in 15 minute increments.  I have been doing this for quite a few years now and I am still amazed that this process actually works as well as how much I am able to get done in just 15 minutes of time.


Larger projects have a tendency to monopolize so much of my time that I rarely have time leftover for fun or even rest.  This has proven to be difficult for me so I have worked out a different strategy when it comes to that.  For one thing I don't take on quite as many big projects as I used to.  That has helped tremendously.


When I have a lot of small tasks that need to be completed I will schedule a bank of time and outline hour by hour how I can get those tasks finished.  If I have three hours on a Saturday I will schedule each of those hours with a reasonable number of tasks I feel I can get completed in that time frame.


Other longer term projects I now map out over a certain period of time and schedule an hour a day to work on that project.  When we pruned our trees last fall I knew it would take several weeks for us to accomplish this particular project.  I was able to work one hour after work a few days each week and 2 hours on Saturdays until it was done.  I was able to get the pruning completed without it taking over my life.  The bonus was we worked on it little bit by little bit so it was a much more manageable task overall.  The best part was I was able to do a lot of other things I wanted to do at the same time this project was going on.


There are a lot of different ways to budget time, but right now this process seems to be working very well for me.  Do you do any type of time budgeting?




  1. I have not time budgeted for personal use (I do at work all the time) but you have inspired me to start! What a great idea. I have PLENTY I need to get done and like you working a full-time job, commuting daily and raising the girls. I get much more done with a plan of action so I am going to try to incorporate this. Thank you for the wonderful idea!


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