Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Health Issues Mean Some Changes

I’ve been dealing with some ongoing health issues for quite awhile that had steadily been getting worse.  I have been blessed with an over active immune system, which sounds great in that I hardly ever get sick, however my poor body feels it is necessary to constantly be battling something.  Me!  Talk about being your own worst enemy. 

People that suffer from auto immune issues are faced with a variety of different diseases and issues.  Some are serious while others are not so much.  I won’t bore you with the details of what exactly is going on with me but suffice it to say I do have some decisions to make. 

After a visit with my doctor in mid January I’m afraid I fell into a bit of a tailspin, in that I wasn’t sure what decisions I should make.  Should I do this or should I do that?  And what will that entail?  How will that affect my family?  My new business?  Our home and our financial situation? 

A lot of sleepless nights ensued and I think it is fair to say a slight depression followed around the first of this month.  Plus, I got really scared.  Fortunately, I don’t have to make any big decisions today or tomorrow for that matter, and once I realized that, I was able to settle down and think more clearly. 

I’m not a big one for sharing my personal stuff.  Some people have no problem telling you their entire life story and sharing every detail.  That’s not me.  If I have a problem I work on it and fix it myself.  I rarely ask for help, unless I really need it.  It is just how I am. 

The reason I want to share right now is that I’ve made some serious dietary changes that have had a significantly positive effect on my health.  The biggest thing for me is how quickly I have managed to turn my particular situation around and the impact that has made on my future outlook. 

So in my next post I will share with you what I’ve been doing the changes I am seeing.  If you are having any health issues or concerns perhaps this will be of help to you too. 

Until tomorrow…


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick, and I am happy to know you were able to find a solution!

  2. I have chronic fatigue and cysts growing all over my thyroid and chronic Epstein-Barr. Also rheumatoid positive, so may be I know a little what your going through. Can't wait to hear what you've been doing, as I am always looking for ideas. One thing helping me survive this winter weather is taking 5,000 I.U. of Vitamin D. Your blog is one of my favorites!

    1. So happy you like my blog. Sorry to hear what all you are going through. I hope I can be a source of encouragement for you.

  3. Healthy food is the medicine of life! I eat *very well* and it has helped my health issues amazingly!! I could go on about the "before & afters", my friends and have family have seen what a healthy food & lifestyle can do! Hope you're able to work through this and put your health first! Hugs!!

    1. Isn't it just amazing how much we can do to heal ourselves with a healthy diet? I can't tell you how much better I am doing. Thanks for the encouragement!


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