Monday, February 11, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

Washed zipper bags hanging to dry. 
Strategically placed over the dirty clothes basket to catch drips.
Sunday morning I used up a bunch of leftover wax I had saved from spent candles to make three new candles in votive cups I already had. 

I made turkey broth from a turkey back I had in the freezer. 

I made a loaf of rye bread. 

I finished the gift I started last week. 

I knitted myself a hat out of yarn I already had in my knitting bag. 

I sold two dozen eggs to a friend. 

I purchased five wide mouth quart size canning jars from the thrift store for 65¢ each plus a vintage square half pint jar for 65¢.  I plan to use the half pint jar for storing homemade salad dressing. 

I darned a pair of socks. 

I worked on my other afghan I started with yarn scraps. 

I started a Christmas gift for my one of my daughters. 

The chickens blessed us with 15 eggs this week!  Way to go ladies!


  1. Awesome as always! And 15 eggs! yay!! They're up 2 from the usual I see! lol!


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