Thursday, August 13, 2020

Focusing On The Good


There is a lot going on in this crazy mixed up world we find ourselves in.  Most of what we hear in the news, both online and on television, is pretty awful.  It is difficult to know what is real and what has been exaggerated or embellished.  And what is quite simply the reporting of false news.  Fear and sensationalism are what gets the clicks and makes the big money so the media throws a lot of it out there for all to consume.  Throw in the elections and all the political rhetoric that goes along with it and it is easy to be overwhelmed by it all.


Gloom and doom is not where I wish to reside on a daily basis.  Last week I made the decision to completely disconnect myself from the media.  I don't believe most of it anyway and what I do consider makes me anxious and worried.  I have very limited control over any of it, most of it I have zero control over.  So why should I pay attention to it?


Before going to bed that day I removed all of my saved news sites from my laptop and phone.  When I awoke the next morning and opened my laptop it was a huge relief that the first thing the greeted me wasn't bad news.  Instead, it was my blog.


I had no idea how much the media was wearing on me and negatively impacting my life until I banished them.  Now I just focus on what is truly good in my life and I'm much, much better for it.  I love our clear blue skies, the sunshine and all that wonderful fresh air we have.  I focus on my beautiful home, my children, my sweet little kitties and my flock of chickens and all their antics.


I've become more interested in watching movies and doing creative projects.  I picked up my crochet hook for the first time this year and was able to make myself a nice little winter neck cowl to wear once the weather turns cold.  I lined some storage bins for the motorhome, just to make them pretty.  I arranged fresh flowers in a vase for our mantle.  Red carnations, my favorites.


I'm excited to get busy on the things that make life better and more enjoyable.  Good food, pretty decor, a clean and tidy home, a neat yard, an organized garage where projects get done.  I love being at home and not part of the rat race that was our life pre-COVID19.  I really do.  I appreciate less traffic, less trash on the ground, fewer people in the stores when I go shopping, clean carts, quieter and slower days, and people showing more courtesy.  I absolutely love, love, love that mask wearing keeps men from spitting in public!  Yes!


I'm focusing on all the good stuff.  I'm choosing not to worry about or consume the bad stuff.  I don't need it and I will be just fine without it.  As with anything I will use caution and exercise good commonsense as I move through my days.  If there is anything really important I need to know about I'm sure someone will tell me.  But for the most part I figure the vast majority of stuff the media slings out there. I really just don't need to know.


I have so many good things in life to enjoy and be grateful for.  That is where I choose to focus my attention from here on out.



  1. I gave up news a long time ago and have to be extremely careful with facebook. I belong to two very positive groups. My mom tells me what I need to know and even gives me a weather report a few times a week for my area. We are 500 miles apart and she watches our news right after she watches hers. I have seen this make her more fearful so try to keep our conversations away from (fake) bad news.

    1. Very little of what is reported is believable. Therefore I will stick with the facts.

  2. Good. I am not the only that is turning off the news. I have not completely unplugged like you; but I find I am a lot happier when I don't watch as much. I am also becoming more annoyed by the endless commercials.

    I believe there are 82 days until the election and I think for my sanity, I need to unplug more too.

    1. Oh good gravy yes! The campaign nonsense is enough to drive you to drink.

  3. I totally agree with you. I do not listen to the news and if there is anything important my husband lets me know. I feel much more peaceful and never agitated by what is reported.
    I enjoy you blog very much. Thanks for sharing your world.

    1. I am doing much better myself since making this decision. It was necessary.

  4. Thank you for mentioning this today...I needed it.

    We are making a hurried trip to Michigan to go to a much-loved cousin's memorial service (held out in a park, due to Michigan's really tight restrictions). He was shot in the back by his own son -- not a good situation. It will be difficult to be even-tempered and optimistic, especially when everything else in the world is lumped on. But I do believe in a God who cares. And that helps. Keep up the great work.

    1. Oh Cindy, how terrible for you. I will keep you in my thoughts. Yes, we do have a God that cares. Knowing Him is what sustains me through it all.

  5. I agree! I've done the same. Now days I keep busy and stay away from anything that brings me down. I've enjoyed my summer and am looking forward to my favorite time of year, The Autumn.

    Life is just too short to live being miserably unhappy or bitter from hate. I no longer watch or follow any news and its crazy - I still know what is happening which shows how much I don't really need to follow it anymore. Yes there are exceptions, but for the most part, I just do my thing - and try and be happy.

    1. You touched on a really good point. I'm still aware, but now I'm aware of what is really going on.

  6. I could have written this post!! It's just the way I feel. I don't read or listen to the news. The only TV I watch is an occasional Masterpiece Theatre or a brief weather report. I do let my husband vent occasionally over what he has heard; but would be happy if he also turned off the "bad news."

    1. My team at work has put a moratorium on the news talk as well and we are having much better conversations. We've been laughing a lot more too. :)

  7. Ooooh you are so 100% correct. All this news is getting me no where and I know most of it is fake news!! Just this morning I was thinking why cant I be at home more and enjoy the small things like I used too. I love my garden,my houseplants and my cozy home. I dont need more. I love reading. I deleted many sites also.
    Thank you

    1. I think the same thing too. Home is awesome. I don't require much. :)

  8. As always, I am the lone voice of dissent.

    I follow one news site, "Zero Hedge" - it offers a wide range of information and facts. "Tim Pool @ TimCastIRL" on Youtube offers explanations of the insanity and uncanny accurate predictions of what will happen next. "ITM Trading" on Youtube for investment trends. And when I need a laugh, I read "Babylon Bee" for parodies about the insanity. There are many others but these are my favorites.

    I think the world will get much worse before it gets better and so I want to protect my family and our investments. Knowing what is around the corner helps me to avoid falling into the potholes and avoid danger. I want us to thrive and prosper not just survive. It takes knowledge to do that. There are many fake news sites and some honest ones (which are being severely censored). I choose to search for true news that will help me and it is possible to find it.

    We don't fear the chaos or the future because we know what is coming and are ready. Stay alert.


    1. Part of protecting me and my family is protecting my health. I have to keep my anxiety under control and be much more selective about what I consider news. Growing up my parents did just fine without the gluttony of news media we have today and I am confident I will too. We have one local news station that I am okay with and can check in on if I feel the need. I'm not going to stick my head in the sand I'm just not going to gobble it all up on a daily basis.


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