Friday, August 14, 2020

Home Management - Toiletries & Cleaning Supplies


I know I have touched on the subject of purchasing toiletries and cleaning supplies before, but it bears repeating.  It is an essential part of managing my home.  Pandemic or not, I always want to ensure that my home is tidy and clean and that we are able to keep ourselves tidy and clean at all times.  No one will dispute that cleanliness goes a long way to curb the spread of illness and disease.  Because of that I have always chosen to keep a clean home, I've always been a big hand washer, I've always sanitized my grocery carts and used hand sanitizer when out in public, I always wash my hands prior to handling any food or drink and I do admit that I'm a bit on the compulsive side when it comes to hand washing in general.  It is fair to say I wash my hands a lot.


Fortunately it isn't an expensive prospect for me to keep my home and my family clean.  I am constantly on the prowl for cleaning supplies and toiletries to go on sale and when they do I stock up.  When the pandemic hit the U.S. we had more than enough to get us buy while the panic shoppers were pillaging the shelves at the stores.  I'd say that was very good home management.


While I do find it a little more challenging to find supplies on any given day it is still not impossible.  Usually the dollar stores and the outlet grocery store have them when the supermarkets don't.  Not entirely sure why that is, but I'm grateful for it.  I've shared many times the products I prefer to use, how I make foaming hand soap solution to refill our dispensers in our bathrooms and the kitchen and my love of bleach.  Yep, I like my bleach, especially to sanitize my sinks, clean my toilets and wash my laundry.


I do feel strongly that it is prudent for all of us to consider stocking up on cleaning supplies and toiletries for a few very good reasons.  Right now supply and demand is precarious and you never can be sure which item will run short.  Next, if you are sick, the last place you need to be is in a store trying to buy things you run out of.  Also, with winter approaching, having a good supply on hand means you won't need to dash out in cold or stormy weather.  Lastly, if you find your finances are tight at any time, having a stockpile of supplies already tucked away gives you peace of mind knowing that you won't need to buy anything for awhile.


Keeping our homes and ourselves clean and tidy is an important part of home management.  Keeping a good stock of supplies to enable us to accomplish this is smart home management.



  1. I always try to stay stocked up on cleaning supplies. It just seems to make sense. Now, I never know what will disappear.

  2. I like the way you have things in a bin and on the shelf instead of just shoved on the shelf. I started doing that about a year ago.

    1. Thank you. It really help keep things neat and tidy.

  3. I find your blog thru, If you do stuff, stuff gets done. I owned a cleaning service for over 20 years. You are spot on with stocking up at the lowest price point. People buy so many supplies when a few will do and good old dish soap works wonders. Glad I find you, I'm a new follower....

    1. Thank you Patti! I am so happy you found us. Welcome aboard. :)


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